[编译] 美国警察行使致命武力时为何不打伤就好

楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-10-07 02:00:48
Here's why police don't shoot to wound in the case of deadly force
US marshals shot and killed a man in Frayser, Tennessee, a north Memphis
neighborhood, on Wednesday, sparking a protest that turned violent and left
24 officers, two journalists and an untold number of protestors injured.
The protest began when marshals were trying to apprehend Brandon Webber, 20,
according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, when Webber "reportedly
rammed his vehicle into the officers' vehicles multiple times before exiting
with a weapon," the bureau said. "The officers fired striking and killing the
individual. No officers were injured."
田纳西州调查局表示,抗议活动始于法警试图逮捕20岁的Brandon Webber,当时Webber
“据报曾多次将他的车撞向警察的车辆,然后手持武器下车” “警察开枪并杀害了该人
Below is a story from 2016, following two fatal shootings by police officers,
and describes police training that comes into play in a situation such as the
one in Frayser on Wednesday.
理像在周三Frayser所发生的情况。[注1:abc News 2016年7月7日报导,见文末摘要翻译
Original story: People have taken to the streets in both Tulsa and Charlotte
during the past week, protesting the fatal shootings of two men by police
officers in those cities.
Those incidents, along with other high profile fatal shootings involving
police in the past two years, have led some to ask the question – why do the
police shoot to kill? Why not try to shoot to wound, instead?
While the question seems like a sound one considering the cases where unarmed
people have been shot by officers, simply put, police officers shoot at
people they perceive as posing a threat because that is what they are trained
to do in order to end that threat.
Here's a look at why police don't shoot to wound instead.
Do officers really operate under a shoot-to-kill policy?
Police officers are trained to shoot as many rounds as necessary at the
threat they are confronted with until the threat is neutralized – that is,
they are trained to fire until the suspect is unable to shoot or in some
other way injure the officer, other police or bystanders.
Why not “shoot to wound” instead?
For a couple of reasons: First, shooting to wound someone may not stop the
threat. If a person is shot in the leg, the threat may still exist as a
suspect could still use his or her hands to fire a gun or stab with a knife.
Second, and most importantly, it takes a skilled marksman to hit someone
exactly in the arm or leg, and, most officers are not skilled marskmen. In
fact, outside of an old-fashioned TV Western, few people can make that shot,
no matter the training.
Dr. Bill Lewinski, executive director of the Force Science Institute,
explained in a position paper for the Institute the physics involved in the
notion of training officers – who are often running after suspects – to “
shoot to wound.”
军事科学研究所执行主任Bill Lewinski博士,在该研究所意见书中以训练警察追捕嫌疑
"Hands and arms can be the fastest-moving body parts,” Lewinski said. “For
example, an average suspect can move his hand and forearm across his body to
a 90-degree angle in 12/100 of a second. He can move his hand from his hip to
shoulder height in 18/100 of a second.”
"The average officer pulling the trigger as fast as he can on a Glock, one of
the fastest- cycling semi-autos, requires 1/4 second to discharge each round."
“There is no way an officer can react, track, shoot and reliably hit a
threatening suspect's forearm or a weapon in a suspect's hand in the time
spans involved.”
David Klinger, a professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the
University of Missouri-St. Louis, put it another way speaking to ABC News
楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-10-07 02:25:00
作者: cangming (苍冥)   2019-10-07 04:50:00
原文哪边写心脏 你的心脏跟你的胸腔一样大吗???内文已经写得很清楚了 事件发生时 你根本没时间瞄准 所以打躯干这种大面积的目标 才有办法构成赫阻既然都说瞄准是个问题 那更不可能有所谓的瞄心脏不要成天为了黑美而幻想一堆有的没的好吗再说了 既然美国这么恐怖 那干嘛不回伟大的专制中国 不是说中国体制好棒棒吗? 待美国干嘛?
作者: prelight (I am a crawler.)   2019-10-07 10:10:00
作者: bibo9901 (function(){})()   2019-10-07 13:46:00
哪里有黑美啊? 我看美国人都没什么意见 精美人也很喜欢"宁可被12人审判,也不要被6人抬着" 黑在哪里?跟本是发扬美国文化. 精神美国人竟然说是黑 真应该罚跪
作者: wo2323 (狡猾小狼)   2019-10-07 16:22:00
作者: cangming (苍冥)   2019-10-07 17:27:00
连判断加料东西都没能力的中国人还是滚回墙里 乖乖吃祖国的善液吧先幻想不存在的东西抹黑 然后再说自己抹黑 中国式逻辑真是令人叹为观止这不是被党洗脑 啥才叫被党洗脑啊胸腔等于心脏都可以护航 笑人逻辑?
楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-10-07 22:55:00
胸腔遭大量射击,弹孔以胸腔中心成正态分布,标准差约10cm,再考虑子弹在人体内弹跳,请问致死的那颗子弹破坏了什么重要的器官呢? 事情实质在此,要用什么词语描述,随各人喜好吧。NCIS:LA是探员杀人最多的系列,追剧的人可以注意一下探员用枪的细节。
作者: cangming (苍冥)   2019-10-08 02:36:00
还人体内弹跳勒XDD 你身体是钢板做的吗?给你个常识 心脏从正面看只有一个拳头的大小 也就是直径不到十公分而其位置位于躯干左上方一般打靶的位置是躯干中央 目的是为了提升命中率再来是标准差十公分? 你知道手枪超过十公尺后 准度剩多少吗??就算跟你说的一样是十公分好了 你把你的拳头放在躯干中央 也就是剑突左右的位置 再把另一个拳头放在心脏前 请问两个拳头会重合吗?美国警察刻意射心脏 这个早就被证实是假的 而且还可以很简单用常识判断 有的人就是无视现实 果然信仰坚定啊
楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-10-08 07:19:00
作者: cangming (苍冥)   2019-10-08 20:00:00
所以有问题吗? 自己拿手比划一下剑突在哪啊讲白点 警察枪击很少直接命中心脏 因为太小 而且没有明确标地你想瞄还没得瞄 所以文内讲的很清楚 射击躯干主要是命中大血管的内出血 而非打中心脏 你自己贴得文 自己不会好好看看吗?幻想再多都不会变事实 省省吧对了 既然你都贴了解剖图 剑突的位置位于最下肋骨的前方接合处如果你还要坚持那里是心脏 那我也只能说你的身体结构异于常人

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