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作者: Aotearoa (Aotearoa) 看板: Gossiping
标题: [新闻] 帕劳扣押两艘越南非法渔船
时间: Fri Apr 29 23:39:38 2016
http://goo.gl/GYRYK5 Vietnam Breaking News
Palau detains Vietnam’s fishing vessels
Palau’s authorities have captured two Vietnamese fishing vessels after two
weeks of keeping a close watch on the boats.
According to Palau’s Minister of Justice Bradley, the country is effectively
implementing its sea reservation law and the authority will employ strict
measures to prevent illegal fishing activities by foreign vessels in the
country’s territorial waters.
Since February, the country has seized two Filipino fishing boats for illegal
fishing. The arrested boats’ skippers were sentenced to 60 days behind bars.
The boats and all equipment were confiscated.
Palau is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean with a
population of about 21,000. It is between the Philippines and Indonesia.