[征求] 英文母语者 参与实验

楼主: relly (马蒂不是张慕芳)   2017-05-02 15:45:33
这是一个中文实验,需要的是英语母语者 (English native speakers)
Looking for participants!!
This is an linguistic experiment in NTHU.
We are looking for English native speakers who learn Chinese as L2.
■ Requirements 条件
* English native speakers with Chinese proficiency level
*learning Chinese for more than one year
* Age 20 or above
■ Tasks 实验内容 (Chinese experiment 中文实验)
(1) Sentence meaning judgment 根据故事判断语意
(2) Sentence completion 根据图片造句
■Duration: about 90~120 minutes 测验时间为90~120分钟
■Location: NTHU-HSS 测试地点:清华大学人社院
■Get NT$600 once you complete the test. 测验结束后可获得新台币600元
■Contact Info: [email protected]/*

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