popbow (bow)
2019-04-14 15:17:10代po
1.对象: 女 33y
2.地点: 台电大楼附近
4.上课时间:平常日早上 一周约2-3次
8.附注:对象之前在美国唸完学士, 之后打算回美国攻读语言治疗硕士, 因此想找家教练习. 若老师具备语言治疗, 医学, 或儿童教育背景者尤佳.
wudu (巫毒)
2019-04-14 17:45:00Hello,TJ老师是在台湾教学9年经验的美国人,以下是老师的自我介绍,方便提供line让老师直接跟您联络吗?谢谢My name is teacher T.J. I've been a teacher for 13 years. I have taught in the USA, Korea, and Taiwan. I've lived in Taipei for 9 years. I currently work at Tsai-Hsinghigh school and a middle school in Taipei. I have lots of experience teaching private English classes in Taipei.I can help you with conversation, interview preparation, TOEFL, business English and other subjects. I provideall the materials you need. Please contact me to set upa trial class. If we have class at Starbucks near Ximenstation the fee will be lower.
作者: post88 (鲁邦) 2019-04-25 02:29:00
Oh, very cool, Caucasians dont know what PM is