Re: [家教] 台北市内湖 成人口说英文

楼主: vicky9168 (vicky9168)   2019-03-15 00:23:52
Hi there,
I saw you looking for English tutor on PTT. So please let me introduce myself.
I graduated from University of St. Andrews which is the top 3 university in th
e UK. And I majored in Marketing for master degree. After gaining my degree, I
went to American for one year and joined Michigan courses with master student
s for 3 months, learning about international marketing, economics and advanced
accounting ect.
Afterwards I came back to Taiwan, I worked for foreign company as an internati
onal sales, mainly focus on U.S and Taiwan markets. During this period, I lear
ned price negotiation, quotation, presentation skill and bargaining strategy.
Then I went to work for famous software company for 2 years as Marketing Speci
alist. I cultivate myself to think independently and critically and problem so
lving skills. Most importantly, I enhanced data analysis ability to see the bi
gger picture by mining insight from raw data. Currently I am working for inter
national company in luxury brand as Client Development, focusing on data analy
sis and exploration of potential clients. ( while you are reading here, you ma
y have questions why you can have time to teach students. Personally, I think
it is about time management. No excuse for yourself we can make our life more
efficient when we are living in this generation.)
Except my working experience, I've been teaching English over 3 years. So far
I have taught over 40 students and lots of students learn English more than 2
years with me. Though I always I feel grammar is really important, in terms of
the oral speaking, you need to focus on your thinking and how to organize the
words and sentence you want to deliver. Therefore, I would recommend for the
first 2-3 class, I will recap the basic and most useful grammar for you. Howev
er this time I would not ask you to memorize it. The only thing you need to do
is think more and ask more & precise questions and make them in the logical w
ay. In my class, I would like to provide lots of articles and videos in order
to inspire you to contemplate. I always think about why Taiwanese have a signi
ficant gap between foreigners. The main reason is that we only focus on gramma
r and vocabulary. BUT do you think it is beneficial for your speaking, present
ation or conversation ? I think you learned but when you meet foreign friends
you still nervous and keep silent.
SO I am here to provide you with different thinking and offer you "STAR" metho
d to organize your speaking structure. Like I mentioned earlier, I would like
to give you videos like 500 fortune leadership ( Zuckerberg, Simon Sinken, Ste
ve Job, Jack Ma and Sheryl Sandberg, Elon Musk ect) , Business English and mor
e Global trend. To be honest in my mind, if you want to learn English, I thin
k you are not only focusing on your career path now but also looking for the b
etter or brighter future like working abroad or like staying in the better com
pany or gaining competitive advantage. So I would like to insert those concept
s while you are learning English with me. We need to make more values and life
stories than others. And that makes you stand out more!! That is what I learn
ed from western education but hard to understand under Taiwanese education sys
tem. If you are ready to learn more and have a ground-breakthrough learning ex
perience at this moment !! Please do not hesitate to contact me. I guarantee y
ou you will find out different world and get more passion for learning English
For the content of class, I will cover the topics in the following:
Part 1 Talking on the telephone 电话交谈
Unit 1 Basic business telephone etiquette 商务电话基本礼仪
Unit 2 Taking calls and making calls 接电话和拨打电话
Unit 3 Taking messages and transferring information 处理留言和转述讯
Unit 4 Switchboard speaking 总机谈话
Unit 5 Dealing with communication difficulties处理通讯作业的困扰
Part 2 Making arrangements and appointments 做出安排和约定
Unit 6 Arranging a meeting 安排会议
Unit 7 Arranging an appointment with a client, supervisor 和客户或主管约见面
Unit 8 Arranging a schedule 安排时程表
Unit 9 Canceling or changing times 取消或变更时间
Part 3 English for socializing 社交用英语
Unit 10 First meetings 初次会面
Unit 11 Talking about jobs 谈论工作
Unit 12 Talking about family 谈论家庭
Unit 13 Talking about interests and sports 谈论兴趣和运动
Unit 14 Talking about vacations 谈论假期
Unit 15 Talking about health 谈论健康状况
Unit 16 Inviting people to a dinner party or other activity 邀人参加餐会或其
Unit 17 Social phrases for dinner Parties 餐会的社交用语
Part 4 Making a speech and presentation 致词或做简报
Unit 18 Making preparations做准备
Unit 19 Opening and introducing the topic 开场白和介绍主旨
Unit 20 Stating the points and linking the parts陈述要点,并把各个部分串连起

Unit 21 Highlighting and emphasizing 强调和加强语气
Unit 22 Interacting with the audience/drawing attention 与听众互动∕吸引他们
Unit 23 Using visual aids and describing them运用并描述视觉辅助工具
Unit 24 Analyzing facts and trends 分析事实和趋势
Unit 25 Suggestions and conclusion 建议和结论
Unit 26 Answering questions from the audience 回答听众们所提出的问题
Part 5 Running a meeting 主持会议
Unit 27 Opening a meeting 宣布开会
Unit 28 Progressing and controlling the meeting 会议的进行和控制
Unit 29 Asking for opinions; agreeing and disagreeing 询问与会者的意见,看看
Unit 30 Interruptions 干扰
Unit 31 Asking questions 询问问题
Unit 32 Making decisions and closing a meeting 做出决定和结束会议
Part 6 Negotiation and persuasion 谈判和说服
Unit 33 Making preparations 做好准备
Unit 34 Opening and agreeing on the agenda开场白并在议程上取得协议
Unit 35 Stating your purpose and position 陈述你的目的和立场
Unit 36 Making and responding to proposals提出议案并对议案做出回应
Unit 37 Bargaining 讨价还价
Unit 38 Dealing with sticking points and conflict处理问题的症结点和冲突
Unit 39 Closing a negotiation结束谈判
Part 7 Sales and promoting 销售和推广
Unit 40 Talking about market and company strategy for a product 讨论某产品的
Unit 41 Proposing and discussing a strategy for advertising 提出并讨论广告策

Unit 42 Planning a promotional campaign 规划某促销活动
Unit 43 Describing and recommending services to customers 描述并推荐对顾客的
Unit 44 Persuading your customer 说服顾客
Part 8 Communicating and problem solving at work 职场工作沟通和解决问题
Unit 45 Discussing a mistake made at work 讨论工作上所犯的错误
Unit 46 Discussing issues or problems for your work 讨论工作方面的议题或问题
Unit 47 Making complaints or criticisms 提出抱怨或批评
Unit 48 Making requests or suggestions 提出要求或建议
Unit 49 Dealing with complaints from customers 处理顾客的抱怨
Part 9 Reading and writing business documents 商业文件的阅读与书写
Unit 50 The Layout and structure of business letters 商业信件的组成成分和编排
Unit 51 Expressions for business letters 商业信件的表达
Unit 52 The layout and structure of business emails 商业电子邮件的编排和架构
Unit 53 The layout and structure of reports 报告的编排和架构
Part 10 English for job hunting 用英语求职
Unit 54 Reading want ads 阅读征才广告
Unit 55 Writing a CV or resume 撰述个人简历或履历
Unit 56 How to write a cover letter 如何撰述求职信
Unit 57 Interview and follow-up 面试和追踪
See how my students say
德骏DEREK: You are such a really good teacher ,certainly , definitely. For me
,I think you are not only a tutor, but also a mentor .you really inspired me a
lot .You always keep in positive attitude and eager to learn more different t
hings. it's really not easy at your age. Finally I think my English ability be
comes better than before.i have learned a lot ways and solutions to make it be
tter.I think I will make a lot of effort on it!!!! Thanks for teaching me.
Emma: 老师教学生动有趣,完全打破我对于英文的旧思想。在快乐环境下学习,且因为了
Please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Personal Contact:
Cell: 0919652039
Line: Beebee9191
※ 引述《brianjan (Mc腊肠)》之铭言:
1.对象:34岁上班族 男性
4.上课时间:周二~周五晚上 7:00~8:30 任一天(一周1.5小时)
希望能以口说为主 我自己背字汇
作者: starrysky09 (starstruck11)   2018-03-13 20:56:00
作者: liicat (liicat)   2019-03-15 00:56:00
St Andrews 应该不是第三名吧
作者: candywantfly (Candy)   2019-03-15 01:06:00
应该是有啦 现在一堆机构在做排名
作者: liicat (liicat)   2019-03-15 01:14:00
作者: fisher0317 (转型正义)   2019-03-15 01:30:00
Oxford/Camb/UCL/LSE/Edinburgh; St. Andrews No.3?
作者: psychopath (psychopath)   2019-03-15 07:27:00
Show off ?! Top 3 不是应该要会用站内吧
作者: angelofdeath (小宇)   2019-03-15 10:35:00
作者: TQ (TiQi)   2019-03-15 10:48:00
作者: Ertkkpoo (Good)   2019-03-15 12:44:00
作者: TQ (TiQi)   2019-03-15 14:27:00
I cultivate myself to think independently and critically and problem solving skills 一个句子这么多and啊 而且时态好乱 一下过去式一下又现在式
作者: bloedchen (Alles nur fuer dich)   2019-03-15 16:44:00
作者: jessicawu589 (JW)   2019-03-15 19:34:00
作者: Sva (4/28-5/3无法上站)   2019-03-15 23:53:00
作者: mannequin (Mannequin)   2019-03-16 00:05:00
你的冠词 唉
作者: pkq820116 (不懂我的幽默)   2019-03-16 01:22:00
作者: s90236a (Fion)   2019-03-16 12:28:00
我看到的时候也以为是反串不过不敢乱说 怕破坏人家的行情
作者: LoVeUu5566 (乐悠悠x五六)   2019-03-16 18:48:00
作者: akirachen100 (冥火炎爆)   2019-03-17 13:10:00
我kcl学店生啦,还真不知道St. Andrews好混到america跟american都不会分的货色都能毕业
作者: Ash1taka (紡繳、檠弓弩)   2019-03-18 05:26:00
Understandable, while many errors need correction.

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