Edster (Edster)
2017-08-30 08:54:41以下是昨天刚走的路线,不是很长,而且7成不是公路,在海滩上、
在岩石上、在鹅卵石上 (很难走)、还要过一些小溪。还有些是会迷
路的小径 (看起来到处都像路)。
# Length Table
10. Cullen Bay: 2 Miles
9. Hard Rock Highway – Strathlene to Portknockie: 5 Miles
8. Spey Bay to Buckie – Dolphins, Ospreys and tales about Spies: 7 Miles
7. Lossiemouth to Spey Bay: Pines, pillboxes and shipyards, by an ancient sea
of stones: 8 Miles
6. Covesea to Lossiemouth: Lossiemouth,an Island in a forgotten sea loch: 3
5. Hopeman to Covesea: Cliffs, caves and coves of the Hopeman Ridge: 6 1/2
4. Burghead to Hopeman bay section 2: Look No Trains: the line to Hopeman: 2
1/2 Miles
3. Burghead to Hopeman section 1: Caer nam Broch – Burghead of the Picts: 1
1/4 Miles
2. Findhorn to Burghead: Roseisle Forest and Burghead Bay: 5 1/2 Miles
1. From Forres to Findhorn: 6 Miles
# Referenced length (exclude Forres to Findhorn):
6+5.5+1.25+2.5+6.5+3+8+7+5+2 = 46.75 mile
# Actual length (from Cullen to Findhorn)
0826: 2 + 5 + 7 = 14 mile = 22.5 km
0827: 8 + 3 + 4 1/4 (Lossiemouth to lighthouse) = 15.25 mile = 24.5 km
0828: 2.25 (lighthouse to hopeman) + 2.5 + 1.25 + 5.5 = 11.5 mile = 18.5 km
total: 40.75 mile = 65.6 km
# Actual Time Table:
0826: 1320 Cullen - 2000 Spey bay (daily walk: 6hr 40 min)
0827: 0900 Spey bay - 1500~1730 Lossiemouth - 2050 Lighthouse near Covesea
(11 hr 50 min)
0828: 0650 Lighthouse near Covesea- 0900 Hopeman - 1000 Bugerhead - 1310~1340
lunch - 1430 Findhorn (7 hr 40 min)
$ total time used: 6 4/6 + 11 5/6 + 7 4/6 = 26 1/6 hr (including rest, lunch,
ice cream, buying)
$ total walking time: 26 1/6 hr - 1.5 hr (day1) - 1.5 (day2) - 2.5 (day2 in
lossiemouth) - 1 hr (day3) = 20 1/6 hr
# Speed
$ average speed: 65.6 / (26 1/6) = 2.5 km/hr (including rest time)
$ average walking speed: 65.6 / (20 1/6) = 3.25 km/hr
# Reference
The Moray Coast Trail - walkhighlands
The Moray Coast Trail in a day!
The Moray Coast Trail (Full Route)
Other routes
Scotland's long distance walking routes
Discover Scotland's Great Trails
# Weight
Total Weight: 10.5 kg (without water and drink), 2 kg for cook in night, 1.5
kg for drink while walk.
Cooking System: Alcohol stove with 500 ml fuel (<100 ml per day). ps: The
Alcohol(90%) buy in "Boots" in Aberdeen Rail Station is terrible to wash, due
to it will be sustained in anything. Waching out do not spill it while
Sleeping System: Bivy and tarp, no sleep bag and sleep pad
Clothes: mmmm, at last 3 kg.
Food: 500g oats could eat without cook as breakfast, pasta as lunch,
instant noodles*7 as dinner.