Jotarun (forever)
2024-07-10 07:05:30https://bit.ly/4bKOFwj
Halveria Darkraven: 32 → 25
Guff Runetotem: 30 → 25
Lady Liadrin: 30 → 25
Marin the Manager: 30 → 25
Queen Azshara: 38 → 35
King Krush: 30 → 28
N’zoth, the Corruptor: 28 → 25
Sargeras, the Destroyer: 40 → 50
Arch-Villain Rafaam: 45 → 50
Forest Warden Omu: 45 → 50
Patches the Pirate: 40 → 45
Sir Finley Mrrrgglton: 40 → 45
The Lich King: 45 → 50
Nozdormu: 40 → 45
Illidan Stormraige: 40 → 35
Xyrella: 32 → 30