Jotarun (forever)
2023-09-06 08:45:06https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/272-known-issues/112122
[Collection] Fixed an issue where copying a deck code that included a card
that existed in two sets, when you had the card in one set but not the other,
would sometimes show the card as “missing.”
修正复制牌组代码的时候 如果有同时在两个系列的卡 但你只拥有其中一个系列
[Collection] Fixed an issue where if a card existed in two sets and you had
it in one, but not the other, the card would appear as “missing” when using
the “missing” search keyword within the Collection format filters
(Standard/Wild/Twist). Now it will not show as “missing” if you have it in
either version. It will only show a particular expansion’s version of a card
as missing if you filter by that particular expansion.
修正如果有同时在两个系列的卡 但你只拥有其中一个系列时
如果你搜寻特定系列 则只有该系列的版本会出现
[Collection] Fixed a bug with the Caverns of Time reprint cards where, if you
own any copies of the original version and exactly one copy of the Caverns of
Time version, the Caverns of Time version would not be visible or able to be
crafted in your Collection.
[Hearthstone] Partially resolved a bug where Soot Spewer and Spawn of Shadows
did not have the stats of their original versions updated to match their
Caverns of Time versions (both cards got +1 Health with Caverns). We are also
working on a server hotfix, launching soon, which will also partially resolve
this bug. Both portions are needed to fully resolve the issue—the client
portion updates the cards in your Collection and the server portion updates
the cards in-game—so some minor issues are expected until both portions of
the fix are live on your device.*
This patch is now available on desktop. For mobile devices, client release
timing is based on when the build is available on that particular device’s
storefront. Be mindful that if you update in one place (like desktop), you
will then be blocked from logging into an un-updated version (like if the
update isn’t available on your phone yet).
电脑端已经更新 手机端则要看app商店何时更新
*If you get the client update before you get the server update, the cards
will show up correctly in your collection, but will still be wrong in-game.
Conversely, if you get the server version first, they will appear wrong in
your collection, but will play correctly in-game.
如果服务器端更新 但你没更新 则游戏中显示会正确 但收藏中显示会不正确