Re: [闲聊] 中国炉石佣兵模式开始钻PVP漏洞

楼主: Jotarun (forever)   2021-10-27 12:00:55
10/26 Update 3: We’ve rolled out a server-side hotfix that addresses
exploits in the Fighting Pit rewards system that players were abusing through
wintrading. Going forward, wins will only count towards Fighting Pit daily
rewards if you defeat three or more enemy Mercenaries. This change will not
affect how MMR is calculated after a win, regardless of how many enemies were
Separately, we see that many players are excited about Mercenaries. We wanted
to let you know that we are working on a bigger Mercenaries communication
update that we have planned for next week.
佣兵下周还有内容更新 敬请期待
作者: edwin5571832 (阿肥)   2021-10-27 13:09:00
早就说这就垃圾恶心敛财手游模式了 还一堆人花一堆钱跳下去玩 真的会笑死
作者: lolo73962638 (吴强森)   2021-10-27 13:31:00
有人会遇到隐形手下的问题吗开放和佣兵pvp都有隐形嘲讽根本没办法指定直接被打烂从佣兵改版后遇到两次了 都从赢变输很不爽
作者: dennisdecade (尼德希克)   2021-10-27 13:32:00
nga说如果你是因为对面投降上6000分的 也拿不到积分的箱子之后没优势直接投 课金的除了积分什么都拿不到 这课金是课心酸的吗
作者: longkiss0618 (剑舞北极)   2021-10-28 09:13:00
带两只 真的好玩可以看对方会做什么动作有种心理学实验的感觉

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