[情报] Iksar谈平衡改动内容

楼主: RinLink (凛冽寒风)   2019-05-15 15:34:47
We look at the meta every day. In day one it was Bomb Warrior. We evaluated
the population, win-rate, looked at matchups, got anecdotal data on how if
feels to play or play against, then played it a bunch at high levels on the
ladder ourselves. Then it became Rogue, then Druid, back to Rogue, finally
onto a combination of those three classes and Hunter stabilizing at the top
in terms of win-rate. All along the way we talk about what changes we would
make to any individual class if it got to a point we thought it was
necessary. With every deck we do this, even if we're not publicly discussing
what we might change. What I can say, and have said in various publications
over the last week or two, is that Rogue is the class we're looking the
closest at. The reason for that is that even though the best Rogue deck tends
to cycle between best and fourth best archetype, it's the class with the
least amount of poor matchups. When a deck is 53ish% win rate but has only
1-2 matchups below 50%, there is a high risk of the meta stabilizing around
that deck. On the flip side, when you look at a class like Warrior the
matchups are a little more varied, with some matchups being around 45% and
some around 55%. Polarized matchups get a lot of flack for various reasons,
but a great deck having good and bad matchups is a big reason why the meta is
able to shift on its own rather than stabilize in one spot.
Of course, it's not all about data. The reason we actually change things is
because of how they feel. One of the factors that contributes to how
something feels to play against is how long it's been around. For example,
even if best deck X felt alright to be the best for a week, players probably
won't feel like that if best deck X is still there 2 months later. That's
where data comes in. We've been watching gameplay trends in data for 15 sets
now and have a pretty good idea what a meta looks like when it's about to see
a shift and what a meta looks like when it's completely stabilized. The part
where data doesn't help is when we have decks that cast Shudderwock 15 times
or have an indestructible Lifestealing weapon. Those changes are based around
feel and are what we generally come to places like reddit looking for.
In terms of communication, we first have to get aligned internally. This
subreddit finds out what we've decided to do when we get a patch date in
place, the official messaging has been written, and it's been translated into
all languages. This process usually takes a week or a week + a couple days.
This is all to say, once we decide to do a patch, you will all know within
about 7 days of the moment we decide.
作者: turningright (Right)   2019-05-15 15:52:00
作者: aidansky0989 (alta)   2019-05-15 16:34:00

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