[情报] 《拉斯塔哈大混战》卡牌名称中英对照

楼主: Jotarun (forever)   2018-12-01 11:32:01
1:中场拾荒者 Half-Time Scavenger
2:图腾坠击 Totemic Smash
3:黄牛票贩子 Ticket Scalper
4:盲眼游侠 Sightless Ranger
5:火蛇结界 Serpent Ward
6:冤魂灵视 Haunting Visions
7:泥沼淤灵 Bog Slosher
8:青蛙之灵 Spirit of the Frog
9:祖尔金 Zul'jin
10:血帆哮猴 Bloodsail Howler
11:锯牙刃 Serrated Tooth
12:古拉巴什鼓譟者 Gurubashi Hypemon
13:大巫毒仪式 Big Bad Voodoo
14:赞提莫 Zentimo
15:鲨鱼之灵 Spirit of the Shark
16:格利夫塔 Griftah
17:降灵术 Seance
18:猎头者之斧 Headhunter's Hatchet
19:兽心 The Beast Within
20:劫掠队伍 Raiding Party
21:钩牙船长 Captain Hooktusk
22:火砲弹幕 Cannon Barrage
23:再生 Regenerate
24:沙之仆 Sand Drudge
25:前任冠军 Former Champ
26:偷窃兵器 Stolen Steel
27:逼迫下海 Walk the Plank
28:迅猛龙之灵 Spirit of the Raptor
29:铁皮恐角龙 Ironhide Direhorn
30:凶蛮打击者 Savage Striker
31:‘迅猛龙’刚克 Gonk, the Raptor
32:扑袭 Pounce
33:掠食本能 Predatory Instincts
34:尖啸 Shriek
35:虚无契约 Void Contract
36:灵魂看守者 Soulwarden
37:残酷的鼓励 Grim Rally
38:蝙蝠之灵 Spirit of the Bat
39:高阶祭司耶克里克 High Priestess Jeklik
40:‘蝙蝠’希尔雷克 Hir'eek, the Bat
41:罗亚印记 Mark of the Loa
42:奔窜咆哮 Stampeding Roar
43:鲜血食人妖放血者 Blood Troll Sapper
44:集体恐慌 Mass Hysteria
45:塔兰姬公主 Princess Talanji
46:‘亡者’伯昂撒姆第 Bwonsamdi, the Dead
47:‘老虎’希尔瓦拉 Shirvallah, the Tiger
48:暂停! Time Out!
49:法拉奇战斧 Farraki Battleaxe
50:有新的挑战者… A New Challenger...
51:不朽的主祭 Immortal Prelate
52:圣光闪现 Flash of Light
53:高阶祭司塞卡尔 High Priest Thekal
54:猛虎之灵 Spirit of the Tiger
55:唤醒元素 Elemental Evocation
56:秘法暴龙 Arcanosaur
57:狂暴法师 Spellzerker
58:灼烧 Scorch
59:纵火狂 Pyromaniac
60:‘龙鹰’贾纳雷 Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
61:冲击波 Blast Wave
62:妖术领主玛拉克雷斯 Hex Lord Malacrass
63:龙鹰之灵 Spirit of the Dragonhawk
64:挫败 Devastate
65:烬鳞龙 Emberscale Drake
66:重金属摇滚! Heavy Metal!
67:苏萨斯 Sul'thraze
68:燃棘矛兵 Smolderthorn Lancer
69:犀牛之灵 Spirit of the Rhino
70:战争指挥官沃恩 War Master Voone
71:‘犀牛’阿卡利 Akali, the Rhino
72:主人的呼唤 Master's Call
73:树语者 Treespeaker
74:战斗德鲁伊萝蒂 Wardruid Loti
75:‘青蛙’奎格瓦 Krag'wa, the Frog
76:诱饵箭 Baited Arrow
77:泉爪山猫 Springpaw
78:血顶策略家 Bloodscalp Strategist
79:天降蟾蜍 Rain of Toads
80:长舌魔棒 Likkim
81:霸主之鞭 Overlord's Whip
82:龙吼 Dragon Roar
83:萨钢监工 Saronite Taskmaster
84:大胆的吞火师 Daring Fire-Eater
85:分灵幻象 Splitting Image
86:粗野驯兽师 Untamed Beastmaster
87:打瞌睡的枪手 Dozing Marksman
88:茶水小弟 Waterboy
89:墓穴惧怪 Grave Horror
90:‘鲨鱼’格拉尔 Gral, the Shark
91:献身疯狂 Surrender to Madness
92:奥奇奈亡魂 Auchenai Phantasm
93:亡者之灵 Spirit of the Dead
94:圣甲虫卵 Scarab Egg
95:藏宝海湾组头 Booty Bay Bookie
96:无助的幼兽 Helpless Hatchling
97:古拉巴什鸡 Gurubashi Chicken
98:鲨鱼帮粉丝 Sharkfin Fan
99:再生自愈的暴徒 Regeneratin' Thug
100:搞笑的香蕉小贩 Banana Buffoon
101:啃脚狂 Cheaty Anklebiter
102:莫什奥格执法者 Mosh'ogg Enforcer
103:好斗的地精 Belligerent Gnome
104:竞技场保镳 Rabble Bouncer
105:古拉巴什供品 Gurubashi Offering
106:狂热竞技迷 Arena Fanatic
107:飨鳍大厨 Murloc Tastyfin
108:竞技场观众 Arena Patron
109:毒疣女巫 Wartbringer
110:火树巫医 Firetree Witchdoctor
111:破盾兵 Shieldbreaker
112:竞技场财宝箱 Arena Treasure Chest
113:龙喉灼烧者 Dragonmaw Scorcher
114:德拉克瑞欺诈者 Drakkari Trickster
115:战线击破者 Linecracker
116:蒙面参赛者 Masked Contender
117:斗牙震地者 Rumbletusk Shaker
118:莫什奥格播报员 Mosh'Ogg Announcer
119:冰淇淋小贩 Ice Cream Peddler
120:钳嘴龟壳斗士 Snapjaw Shellfighter
121:送葬者 Da Undatakah
122:‘夺魂者’哈卡 Hakkar, the Soulflayer
123:乌达斯塔 Oondasta
124:血爪 Bloodclaw
125:赞达拉圣坛护卫 Zandalari Templar
126:暴躁巨龟 Ornery Tortoise
127:阿曼尼战熊 Amani War Bear
128:鲁莽的凶暴食人妖 Reckless Diretroll
129:恶魔箭 Demonbolt
130:魔精大师吉西 Mojomaster Zihi
131:复仇兽群 Revenge of the Wild
132:热场龙 Crowd Roaster
133:煲汤小贩 Soup Vendor
134:‘山猫’哈拉齐 Halazzi, the Lynx
135:山猫之灵 Spirit of the Lynx

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