Re: [情报] Lifecoach决定退出炉石

楼主: kuonet (锅贴)   2017-02-26 10:48:53
影片原文 3:50开始
大概翻一下 意思有到就好
Finally, since a long time I have a feeling I'm playing something
competitive. What I'm saying is, if you lose a game of Gwent, you know
exactly why you lost, which might also be true for Hearthstone, but what I'm
saying is, not only do you know why you lost, but it's usually basically
always due to your mistakes.
Because you usually don't lose that many games that you played perfectly,
which is by the pretty much impossible. So, what I'm saying is the games you
lose are the games where you blunder, where you did mistakes, which can
definitely not be said about any game of Hearthstone. In Hearthstone, just
today I have a direct comparison, you play really well, extremely well, and
you can lose a lot of games, or you play very crappy and you win a lot of
In Gwent, you have nearly 90% that's nearly unloseable (sic), if you do the
same in Hearthstone – 60%. But, the funny thing is, if you play extremely
well, you might have 65%, and you if really, really play bad Hearthstone that
day, it doesn't matter, you still have 50-55%. I'm not even kidding here,
You can play like crap and you can still have 50%, it doesn't even matter,
it's not even that important how you, it's like coin flipping with a little
bit of strategy. So, maybe how you rotate the coin so that it flies through
the air at a specific angle so that you can have a 10% higher chance of
having this head outcome or tail outcome.
炉石打的跟屎一样大概还是有50%胜率 如果要比喻的话
大概就跟丢硬币差不多 你可以有自己的策略让丢硬币有比较高的机率拿到正面或反面
(意思就是影响不大 游戏的主轴跟丢硬币差不多)
The RNG effects don't help; the super impactful swing-cards don't help:
Kazakus, Patches, and such. It also doesn't help that there are cards which
are obviously included in every freaking deck. Complexity?
JJ: That's my team.
(真正大幅度影响胜率的)不是RNG 也不是那些超级op卡(卡札、派奇)
JJ: 那是我的战队
Lifecoach: The only way how complexity is in the game, yeah, when Complexity
is playing.
JJ: (laughs in German) That was a good one.
Lifecoach: They basically deleted all the interesting mechanics from the
game. I wonder what happens next. They mentioned publicly that they want to
get rid of the Charge mechanics. They want to get rid of direct damage
mechanics. They want to get rid of combos.
JJ: (laughs, but not in German) They can just delete the game.
Lifecoach: They want to get rid of OTK combos specifically, but also force
combos, they want to take away all cards which might take create sick combos,
which might be too powerful, they nerfed all the cards which had interesting
effects: Molten Giant, Blade Flurry, Patron, whenever there was something
which had another effect than stats - removed from the game.
Coach:Blizzard把这个游戏有趣的机制都删光光了 我不知道他们接下来要做什么
他们公开说过他们想删掉冲锋 他们想删掉OTK 他们想删掉Combo
Coach:他们想要把OTK砍掉 把过强的Combo砍掉 砍到最后Bz把一些有趣的卡都砍光了
What am I even saying? What I'm saying is this lock and this lock that is my
latest run but at the same time it will also directly be my last run. You
will never see me talking about Hearthstone ever again, from this day on,
because I'm just fed up. I thought about it, and I just realized - hey, since
three years they are doing nothing for the competitive scene, rather the
opposite, they are always going in the wrong direction, and at this point I
really have to assume that they are either not capable of changing that or
that they are not willing to do that.
从今天开始我不会开始提到任何炉石 我受够了
三年来Bz制作团队不曾把炉石往电竞方向作改动 反而越来越糟
我现在认为他们要就没能力改 要就不想改
I'm playing Gwent now, yeah? And Gwent is a great game, the competitive scene
is really being taken seriously and also the playing fun is above. Then don't
say, "Hey, we simply try everything, so that even the last dude can
understand everything from the game", they say, "OK, our game is complex and
competitive, but we also have something for you guys to begin the game."
"We also have some kind of mechanic which are easier, and it's also
free-to-play, so you get some cool incentives to play, but at the same time
we also don't skillcap it, so we say it's perfectly fine if someone who
spends 100 hours a week in the game, or if somebody plays the game way, way
better than another player, if this guy can own or get better than the guy
who doesn't play the game or plays the game very casually, gets the better of
him, also by playing card which the weaker player cannot really (understand)."
Patron would be a good example, like Patron was such a mechanic, somebody who
was extremely, or who was very good at the game, could take these Patron
mechanics and could be really successful with it, but on the other hand, the
numbers indicated that people were doing less than average, it wasn't even a
strongest deck on the ladder, at least not over all levels, and the reasoning
for that was, because it actually took certain playing strengths to even
utilize the Patron mechanic, because if you didn't have the certain playing
strengths, Patron was not a deck for you. It was just way too weak.
This is a very good example of why I think Hearthstone doesn't have the
future, at least...
我现在在玩Gwent 这是个好游戏 又有竞技成分又很有趣
他们不会说 "这是一个简单的游戏 新手都可以轻松上手喔"
他们说 "ok, 这个游戏很复杂又吃技术, blahblah
JJ: Competitively.
Lifecoach: ...competitively. I hope even with me not focusing on Hearthstone
you will still enjoy us playing different stuff. There are also interesting
things I enjoy. (inaudible) Team League. It's great, yeah? You have different
decks, skill-heavy decks, and you have a good format, there are still patches
classes, sure, but it's way, way better than this ladder system. (??? didn't
get what LC or JJ said here)
事实上炉石还是可以很好玩 例如现在的战队联赛 虽然还是有派奇那些
You won't see me on the ladder, unless the game is prolonged longer than 5
minutes or 7 minutes on average, I don't have time for that, yeah? I want to
have a challenge, mental challenge. I want to improve myself, in whatever
stuff, but if I am passionate about it or I like it, then I would like to
improve. And if some area doesn't give me a challenge, I'm actually really
接下来你不会在天梯上看到我 除非游戏平均时间被延长5到7分钟
你可能会说 我没有时间打那么长
但(我的观点来说)我想要挑战 心理上的挑战 我想要让自己变强
今天(的炉石环境)没有给我这些挑战 我很难过
That's not for me, if the game is not competitive, that's boredom for me, and
I'm really happy we have found something. Not only does it have a very high
skillcap, but is also extremely rewarding, which means mistakes become
punished and good plays become rewarded and this is also how it should be.
今天一个游戏不够竞技 那对我来说很无聊
幸好我发现了新的游戏 让有技术的人获得足够的回报
作者: ponyma860819 (憨吉)   2017-02-27 10:10:00
作者: turningright (Right)   2017-02-26 10:53:00
作者: TakeMedicine (笑 眼 无 敌 踢 帕 妮)   2017-02-26 10:57:00
作者: gginin111140 (ggininderla)   2017-02-26 11:42:00
推 Gwent是一款真正的竞技游戏。一开始我会玩 是因为
作者: Taiwansprite (lonely5140)   2017-02-26 11:45:00
会玩的胜率高是问题? 我是不是看错了什么炉石真的养坏了大家的价值观
作者: aa01081008tw   2017-02-26 12:14:00
作者: monkeydieboy (这盘小菜有毒)   2017-02-26 12:16:00
作者: ssd123698745 (noel)   2017-02-26 14:12:00
他的意思应该是只要你打的比对方好,就有90趴机会赢吧?烫的第三场就算让他看对方牌打还是输这就是BZ说的要增加交流 kappa
作者: peter2354600 (阿波)   2017-02-26 15:48:00
Gwent %%%
作者: BLACKCAT0703 (殇殑)   2017-02-26 16:21:00
让靠赛机率降低 才叫“竞技”“比赛”
作者: ray221740718 (R25愤怒鸡)   2017-02-26 19:07:00
推个 真正有趣的都改掉 剩一些无聊牌组
作者: JessePinkman (粉红男)   2017-02-26 19:59:00
作者: jerichoholic (jerichoholic)   2017-02-26 21:32:00
求解 昆特一直说下载失败 configuration error
作者: smallfish080 (小鱼)   2017-02-26 21:56:00
作者: ABuJiuHaoBun (新资料夹(2))   2017-02-27 02:25:00
弃炉石去玩sv 竞技场五十胜有五次五连 炉石平均五六胜而已
作者: handsomedany (豪)   2017-03-02 00:55:00
路人屌打选手不是什么问题吧 faker也没每把都赢 何况选手排到的也是高端路人

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