Greetings from Gadgetzan
官方推特po了一张 来自加基森的问候 被各大网站猜测是新资料片的讯息
Reddit有个先知 3天前说 他发现加基森.com这个网域又被注册了www 现在被各种朝圣
加基森是哥布林为主 例如加基森拍卖师
右下角有一句话非常耐人寻味:It's as clean as it is safe!
其中clean跟safe还特别画了底线 看来别具深意 国外乡民也开始各种猜
仔细看这张图最外面那一圈 有小小的英文字(你这不是要搞到别人眼睛脱窗吗...)
The word “safe” is not meant to constitute a binding agreement and does not
imply safety, security, protection, preservation, peace of mind, confidence,
reliability, dependability, or trustworthiness.
下面这段是说 诺格弗格对于以下意外概不负责
Mayor Noggenfogger(诺格弗格男爵) is not responsible for any accidents,
burglaries, thoughtsteals(思想窃取), mind vision(心灵幻象),
hellfires(地狱烈焰), vanishes(消失), whirlwinds(旋风斩), revenges(复仇),
lightbombs(圣光炸弹), elemental destructions(元素毁灭),
excavated evils(出土邪降), consecrations(奉献), holy novas(神圣新星),
flamestrikes(烈焰风暴), demonwraths(恶魔怒火), starfalls(星殒术),
shadowflames(暗影之焰), swipes(挥击), explosive traps(爆炸陷阱),
arcane explosions(魔爆术), brawls(斗殴), DOOM!s(末日来临!),
lightning storms(闪电风暴), blizzards(暴风雪), twisting nether(扭曲虚空) and
other Acts of Old Gods(古神), magical mayhem or disfigurement that may ensue.
No beasts(野兽), demons(恶魔), dragons(龙类), mechs(机械), murlocs(鱼人),
pirates(海盗), or totems(图腾) were harmed, abused, disfigured, dismembered,
declawed, detailed, decomissioned, exorcised, disarmed, or toppled
in the creation of this postcard. We take no responsibility on the claims
made on this souvenir of propaganda, or any predictions, suppositions,
predictions, prophecies, harbingers, omens, portents, or conclusions
that may arise.
居然有人能够看出这么多字 我也是佩服
加基森 英文wiki
对岸互动百科 (这里的地精是哥布林 侏儒是地精)
加基森是卡林多大陆南部的中立地区 哥布林和地精的城市 部落跟联盟都有
我久远的记忆只有祖尔法拉克在附近... 还有天谴军团入侵前夕
另外这里有知名的中立拍卖场 可以透过它交流不同阵营的货物
看有没有人要补充些什么 该不会又是机械吧...想到这些种族自然会想到机械