The following issues have been resolved for PC and Mac:
Addressed an issue that would prevent the Discover mechanic from working in
the Tavern Brawl Captain Blackheart’s Treasure when transformed into
修正在大乱斗黑心船长的宝藏中 当你变身成炎魔时 发现机制会出问题的bug
Addressed an issue that would prevent Faceless Manipulator from properly
copying Moat Lurker’s Deathrattle effect.
Addressed an issue that would prevent Silverware Golem from activating
properly when discarded during the Romulo and Julianne encounter in One Night
in Karazhan.
修正在夜夜卡拉赞中 茱丽叶关卡 银器魔像被舍弃时无法正确发动效果的bug
Addressed an issue that would prevent several bosses in One Night in Karazhan
from attacking when Abomination is played.
修正在夜夜卡拉赞中 有几个副本王遇到憎恶体不会攻击的bug