[闲聊] Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot #51

楼主: turningright (Right)   2016-04-05 17:52:09
Source: https://goo.gl/I0P8Pl
It's a Long Road to the Top //牌组详细内容请开灯
Tier 1
1. 中速德 (+0) https://goo.gl/DXBXeP
2. Zoo (+2) https://goo.gl/8Y2hEj
3. 奴隶战 (-1) https://goo.gl/YkLlyJ
4. 控制战 (+3) https://goo.gl/Ar3KCs
Tier 2
5. 秘密圣 (-2) https://goo.gl/IRb1PS
6. 节奏法 (+0) https://goo.gl/1ttTn1
7. 冰法 (-2) https://goo.gl/eiGId2
8. 快攻萨 (+0) https://goo.gl/63Rfn3
9. 里诺术 (+0) https://goo.gl/U1o7dI
10. 脸猎 (+4) https://goo.gl/w4KcQF
11. 快攻德 (+0) https://goo.gl/3SvHmz
12. 中速圣 (+6) https://goo.gl/o5GwHI
13. 控制牧 (-3) https://goo.gl/4dMfmJ
Tier 3
14. 蓝龙贼 (-1) https://goo.gl/UjjIsy
15. 刀油贼 (+1) https://goo.gl/mzNv6f
16. 巨人术 (+3) https://goo.gl/VNTDhi
17. 鱼人圣 (-5) https://goo.gl/hXESEK
18. 龙牧 (-1) https://goo.gl/JCpTXM
19. 蛋蛋德 (+2) https://goo.gl/Ce3aBF
20. 快攻圣 (+0) https://goo.gl/I0u3kK
21. 中速猎 (-6) https://goo.gl/gcYaZS
Tier 4
22. 机械法 (+0) https://goo.gl/Ol57nn
23. 中速萨 (+1) https://goo.gl/OatVxQ
24. 嗜血萨 (+1) https://goo.gl/jRzQdX
25. 爆发牧 (+1) https://goo.gl/KbYpJ0
26. 投降法 NEW! https://goo.gl/vDmWyP
27. 快攻战 NEW! https://goo.gl/o7BKoF
楼主: turningright (Right)   2016-04-05 17:57:00
打超慢 极为控制的法师 让对手觉得很无聊所以投降Kappa
作者: ManInBlackXD (小的)   2016-04-05 18:00:00
楼主: turningright (Right)   2016-04-05 18:23:00
作者: corupted5354 (corupted5354)   2016-04-05 18:29:00
作者: money1992922 (阿哭哪妈踏踏)   2016-04-05 18:41:00
机械法在T4喔 我唯一组完全的一套QQ也只会这套
作者: howard840531   2016-04-05 19:22:00
作者: logitech2004 (ddd)   2016-04-05 19:40:00
作者: jimmyyang207 (书玮吉米)   2016-04-05 23:09:00
这几天玩龙牧 碰控制战真的是被打烂XDD
作者: theflyingone (KFC)   2016-04-06 01:55:00

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