Re: [情报] 美服 patch notes

楼主: redjelly (雷得捷里)   2015-04-02 15:17:36
※ 引述《BrowningZen (BrowningZen)》之铭言:
: 更新patch-
: Upon playing Unleash the Hounds, players will be taken to a menu that allows t
: hem to choose the exact breed of their hounds—with over 100 options!
: 现在使用放狗时,玩家将会被导向到一个选择狗狗配种的菜单,这将会有超过100个选择喔!
: After many bouts with brain freeze, Snowchugger now eats snow at a more reason
: able rate.
: 在喝了一轮冷饮后,铲雪机器人现在会以合理的速度吃雪
brain freeze是指大口吃冰或喝冷饮会刺激三叉神经导致头痛,所以吃雪变慢了。
: Naturalize now causes Zombie Chow and Poison Seeds to be all-natural, vegan, a
: nd gluten free.
: 自然化现在能将肉身僵尸及毒性种子变得自然,全素,及无麸质
: Hunter’s Mark has been renamed Hunter’s George.
: 猎人印记(猎人的马克)现被重新命名为猎人的乔治了
: Mark of the Wild has been renamed George of the Wild.
: 野性印记(野性的马克)现被重新命名为野性的乔治了
: Mark of Nature has been renamed George of Nature.
: 自然印记(自然的马克)现被重新命名为自然的乔治了
: We like George more than Mark. Mark still owes us $20.
: 我们喜欢乔治多于马克,马克还欠我20块呢
暴雪对马克有啥意见= =
: The spell Blizzard now causes enemy minions to attack Soon™.
: 法术"暴风雪"现在令敌人的生物可以攻击Soon™
自婊每次暴雪游戏coming soon都要等很久,干脆连soon都申请商标XD
: A new Hearthstone mini-series was in the works titled “Portrait: The Last Spe
: llbender,” but everything changed when the Fireball attacked.
: 我们本来在制作一套新的炉石迷你影集叫"最后一个法术扭曲者的影像"但自从我们被火球
: 术攻击后,一切都变了
"Portrait: The Last Spellbender"是恶搞知名美国动画降世神通" Avatar: The Last
Airbender" 而且把原本旁白中入侵的烈火国(Fire nation)改成了火球术(Fireball)
: To make things more convenient, Tirion Fordring will now silence himself when
: summoned.
: 为了令游戏更方便,提理奥弗丁现在在登场时会把自己给沉默
: Two new Shaman spell cards have been added—Snap and Pop.
: 我们加入两张新的萨满法术"Snap和 Pop“(加上Crackle 就是好吃的早餐了)
Snap, Pop, Crackle(轰雷)是美国某知名早餐谷片的吉祥物
: Armorsmith has finally finished that chest plate she’s been working on this w
: hole time. Whew!
: 护甲锻造师终于做好了她一直都在做的胸甲了.太棒了!
: Pirates will now always beat the new Ninja sub-type, because Pirates are obvio
: usly better.
: Blade Flurry has been renamed Blade Furry, and now equips the Rogue with a 1/5
: Kitten.
: 剑刃乱舞现在被重新命名为毛茸茸剑,它会为盗贼装上一只1/5小猫
: We’ve fixed a bug with Animal Companion that sometimes caused the spell to no
: t summon Huffer.
: 我们修好了有时动物伙伴会召唤胡佛以外生物的错误
: Snake Trap has been renamed Pug Trap and now summons 3 very excited 1/1 Pugs t
: hat wheeze very loudly.
: 毒蛇陷阱现被重新命名为八哥陷阱,现在这会召唤三只1/1叫很得大声的八哥
: Playing Feign Death after playing Unleash the Hounds will now result in good d
: ogs. Yes they are! They are such good dogs.
: 在使用放狗后打出假死将会令猎犬变成乖狗狗.没错,它们真的是一群乖狗狗
: Call Pet card text now reads, “Hello, this is dog.”
: 召唤宠物的文字说明现在是"你好,这是一只狗"
Call Pet也有打电话给宠物的意思,而"Hello, this is __"是接电话时的常用法
: Fixed an error where Skill Command was incorrectly named Kill Command. The Hun
: ter spell will now correctly do damage based on the caster’s skill at Hearths
: tone.
: 修正了误将技术命令命名为击杀命令的错误.猎人的法术现在会正确地依照玩家技术造成
: 伤害
: Anima Golem is now correctly named Animal Golem, and has been changed to a Hun
: ter card with the following text:
: 憎恶魔像现在会被正确地命名为动物魔像,及变成了一张有以下效果的猎人卡片
Anima 和Animal 也只差一个字母
: Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 kitten for each enemy minion. It was made of KITTENS
: ! How could you?
: 死亡之声:每有一个敌人在场上,召唤一只1/1小猫.这可是小猫喔!你怎忍心下的了手!!
这里应该是指魔像是小猫做的(made of KITTEN)
: After reading so much community feedback about Wisp value, the cost of Wisps h
: as been raised to 2 mana.
: 在看过许多关于幽光价值的社群回报后,现在幽光将会花费2法力.

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