Oswyn (Oswyn)
2020-07-26 18:25:07※ 引述《Oswyn (Oswyn)》之铭言:
: 补个 Peter 对 WASAPI 的发言
: Event mode in fact provides worse protection against CPU usage spikes than
: push mode (as seen in earlier versions of this plug-in) because we queue less
: data with the driver at a time and must wake up and send more data at regular
: intervals. However, event mode seems necessary to peacefully cooperate with
: certain devices, USB ones in particular.
: 硬件没问题 push mode 可用没什么理由不用 push mode
: 且 push mode 会出问题的硬件主要是对 Windows Vista 的相容性有问题
: 现在都民国几年了,Vista 都要 two decades 了...
日前、RME 的 Co-Founder Matthias Carstens 在 RME 的使用者论坛回复了一段对话
串本身内容没什么,但 Matthias Carstens 对 WASAPI 模式的建议让人有点惊讶
2020-06-26 20:27:24
Re: USB Audio and Bit Test Question
If you use Foobar without ASIO then you will not get bit perfect transmission.
If you use WASAPI then you need to use the right mode (push, not event).
If both doesn't tell you something please Google.
Matthias Carstens 表示 WASAPI 的正确模式是 Push mode (for Bit Test?)
虽然我个人认为不论是 Push or Event mode 只要 buffer 大小设定正确,硬件与驱动
虽然需 Audio device 硬件支援 DMA 环形缓冲区的 Push mode 理应在效能上表现的较好
但在 RME ADI-2 DAC FS 上作 Bit Test 居然有 WASAPI 的 right mode XD
然后提出问题的 End-User 也回复经 Matthias Carstens 的指导后终于通过了 Bit Test
个人是主推 Push mode 的啦
但护版神机在 foobar 使用 WASAPI Event mode 会无法通过 Bit Test 吗?