最近在考虑购入DT 770 Pro/990 Pro
990没意外只有250 ohm版本可以挑
但是770 Pro 还有80 ohm版本
我打算用我电脑内的Creative Sound Blaster Z直推
官网Spec有提到可以推600 ohm,但是我在国外论坛看到一篇文章讲说实际上适合的是22ohm
Creative states that the Soundblaster Z has a 600Ohm Headphone Amplifier.
This does not mean its output impedance is 600Ohm, but that they think it
should be able to power most 600Ohm headphones.
In reality the output impedance of the Soundblaster Z is 22 Ohm. A lower
output impedance is desirable
不知道版上有没有哪位大大有使用SBZ这张卡推过250 ohm的感觉