HwaSIn (基佬的小黄瓜)
2016-11-24 00:41:26※ 引述《Secret1652 (希葵特)》之铭言:
: 前阵子就看到左耳的壳爆开了,但可以卡回去,后来用几天之后,里面的线好像扯断了,
: 所以左耳也没声音了。
: 用两年半了,改模费用也不便宜,改升级还是改模?
I am a TF10 user.
Left earbud is less volume than right one.
Can UE help me to fix my TF10 ?
I would like pay for it.
Chad Geller | Service Manager:
Your product is a discontinued item. We are unable to repair them. If
interested in transitioning to our custom in-ear monitors please let me know.
We can discuss a personalized solution for your needs.
Thank you
I have already order an UE18 Pro but I still love my TF10.
I don’t want her die.
I am sad to hear about unable to repair it.
Thank you for your reply.
Chad Geller | Service Manager:
I am sorry we can not repair them. They are a great pair of earphones.