内容如下,但是有更新等于没更新 还要等好久... Quick update for the group. We are in contact with the vendor and awaiting updated shipment estimates from them. We have a call scheduled first thing tomorrow morning and should get a bit more visibility in regards to when we can expect these in our warehouse. We will update the group as soon as these are on the way. Currently we expect that these will be in our warehouse inline with the expected ship date listed in the drop description page. Thanks for your patience and expect an update from us on 4/6 or sooner if something comes up. 话说小弟最近闲闲无事, 依照网络上的电路自己diy耳扩, 不过听起来真的问题很多, 我想等耳机来了之后再来跟大家分享, 新手上路,耳朵粗糙了点,请大家见谅