idzc220 (买干面送阳春面 超爽der)
2015-01-08 08:33:24※ 引述《Teletha (不是修女,是舰长!)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《thinphone23 (tfyang)》之铭言:
: : 直接去家附近的邮局问问看喔!
: 不好意思,借这篇再问一下。
: 请问去年11月中在massdrop团购的这支SHP9500有人还没收到吗?
: 我当时用单帐号帮自己和朋友各刷了一支,寄送资讯跟地址则分别填,
: 结果我在12/8收到了,而我朋友到现在还没收到。囧rz
: 期间有确认过地址并未填错,
: 朋友也问过附近的邮局,转问总局是说目前没有包裹;
: 负责的邮差也说该地址近期未有包裹无法寄送而被退回,
: 所以目前陷入只能空等的状态。
: 先前曾有板友贴出massdrop的回信(该文已经删除),
: 大意是说无法提供追踪号码以及出货后正常约4-6周会到。
: 但由于从11/22通知全数出货后到现在已经超过6周,
: 且massdrop尚未回复我在年底寄出的询问信,
: 所以才想来板上问问看是否有人目前也是类似的状况,或只是我朋友比较衰而已。
: 谢谢。
I apologize for the delayed response, as our team has been out of town for
the holidays. I'm really sorry to hear that you have not received your
package. I would be more than happy to work on getting you a replacement or
First, could you please fill out the attached Damaged or Missing Package
Claim and send the digital copy back to me?
Unfortunately, we do not have any inventory on this product, so we will need
to reach out to the vendor and place an order for the replacement. This could
take a bit of time. If you would prefer not to wait, we can process a full
refund right away.
Please let me know if you would prefer to wait for a replacement or for us to
process a refund.
Thank you!