bolam (95 10 23æ¥æŽ’å…¥ä¼)
2018-12-12 10:21:33以下是官方在global论坛做出的官方回应
提问 :
Didn't this broke the foxtrick features about XP calculations?
Is it intended that only a match ID is shown on the lower parts of the page?
1. 球员表现历史的XP计算消失了,跑哪去了 ?
2. 页面下方较久之前之比赛,是否只会显示比赛ID ?
官方回答 :
The FT feature with the XP calculation will be fixed soon. There is a pull
request in Github and it just needs to test and release it.
As for the MatchID. Yes. Unfortunately, those data come from our archive
database which doesn't include the team names. It would be too "painful" to
get all those matches at once. But, you can get all the match details when
you click on it and redirected on the match page
1. 球员表现历史的XP计算很快会修正,在Github部分需要调整,需要时间测试以及版更。
2. 关于比赛ID,很遗憾,是的。