bolam (95 10 23æ¥æŽ’å…¥ä¼)
2017-02-03 13:02:04https://www91.hattrick.org/Community/Press/?ArticleID=19954
Long Shots team wins the Supporter Week Trophy
作者 Zorbas
The Supporter Week Trophy is a competition that many would like to win. Not
only for the trophy in your prize shelf, but because the winner goes home
with lifetime Diamond Supporter.
peikonpoika (1934878) won the trophy this season, with his team, FC Kobrakä
si (556643), playing Long Shots tactic. It has never been done before! He
kindly accepted to answer some questions and we hope that you will enjoy the
这个赛季的支持者周锦标赛冠军队伍是peikonpoika (1934878),执教经理是
FC Kobrakäsi (556643)。
Q: First of all, thank you for accepting the interview. Congratulations on
your performance in the Supporter Week Trophy, how does it feel to have won
问 : 恭喜,现在心情是 ?
A: The pleasure is mine, but thank you. Yes, this win was my very first big
one. I can't describe my feelings in English. I mean, after 12 years of
playing the game, I finally made my ht-dreams come true. It felt like I won
the Olympic gold medal or something like that. The Finns cheered me up and I
couldn't sit on my bench when the final whistle came. A few minutes later
there could have been one or maybe two tears in my eyes, when I realised what
答 : 我很荣幸。我玩游戏12年,终于美梦成真。
Q: The final match (9945428) was not an easy one. As a rule of thumb, a team
that plays Long Shots will always try to win possession, what did you feel in
the beginning of the match, when you first saw the live team ratings? Would
you kindly share with us a bit more about the way you prepared this match?
决赛 (9945428) 是场艰苦的比赛。
大致来说,远射队总是在拼中场控球率,开赛后你第一眼看到即时评级时有何感想 ?
另外一个问题,你如何准备这场比赛 ?
A: At first, it was a moment like David vs. Goliath, when I scouted my final
opponent. Real Madrid was a so unbelievable tough team and I knew I was gonna
lose the midfield battle. I tried everything like CA or over-defensive
tactics, but I wasn't satisfied. Their attack was too powerful or I was
losing too much midfield. I had to put all my midfield power on the field and
protect my central defence. By doing that I was forced to open my side
defences a little bit. That was risky. I was hoping I could guess their wings
right or they didn't attack so much there. Well, I didn't guess everything,
but my boys did the awesome work by stopping all their attacks and winning
most of the situations. This time it was the right choice to put on an extra
effort in the midfield, but it could have gone either way easily. This is a
hard tournament to win (maybe the hardest), cause midfield ratings are close
to each other and there is always a good change to make a surprise.
答 : 这是一场小虾米板倒大鲸鱼的比赛。
比赛布阵的重点有2点 :
1. 我的中场战力必须倾巢而出
2. 同时布置重兵在中路防守
嗯,好吧 !! 很明显我没有100%完美预测,但是游戏引擎很眷顾我,
(注:对手开赛右攻21 vs 作者左防17.75,每次机会入球率56%)
这场比赛非常艰辛,因为两队中场实力差不多,为这场比赛增添不少悬念 !!
Q: Generally speaking, what is your opinion about the Long Shots tactic, what
are its strong/weak points? By playing it, you have just promoted to the top
league of your country, what are your expectations for the season that has
just started?
问 : 你对远射战术的看法是 ? 优缺点是 ?
透过远射战术,你刚升上你的国家的顶级联赛,这个赛季你的赛季目标是 ?
A: Needless to say, the strong points are midfield and defence, of course.
Those will stop most of the opponent's goal chances. The attack is at the
same time weak and strong. Most of your chances won't score a goal, but a
LS-team still have quite a good chance to score by long shots or
freekicks/penalties. When the opposite's keeper is weak, this tactic will
punish that. I have to say there isn't too much tactical choices and most of
the teams play 550 without any attack. Maybe that's our weak point, because
we are predictable. I couldn't bring much attack either, but maybe somebody
else can. I hope the next step for this very special game style is bringing
in something new. It isn't an easy thing to do, I know that now. I think the
Supporter Week Trophy is the best one to win with a LS-team, because there is
a neutral zone and no confidence. In the league, there is a huge home
advantage, away games are difficult to win and the confidence makes the
opponents more dangerous. My expectations are just to stay up, because there
are so many good teams there. We'll see.
答 : 远射战术优点无疑是中场和防守,这阻止了对手大部分的入球机会。
远射队有一个缺点 : 很容易被预测。
Q: I understand that a Long Shots team is not everyone's cup of tea, what
made you build such a team?
问 : 并非所有人都喜欢打造远射队,什么原因让你对打造远射队如此着迷 ?
A: Over 4 years ago, I relegated from our top league and my players were over
35 years old. I thought I had done it all by trying all tactics (except LS),
playing high and being part of the National Team group. I thought about
quitting, but I wasn't ready to give up. This team has a unique place in my
heart. It was difficult then and it would be even more difficult today. Where
can I find motivation to continue?, I thought those days. Luckily, I was
tracking some Finnish LS-teams and asked for their advice about this kind of
playing. Piece by piece, I got information, found my motivation and finally
made my dream come true by winning this tournament. Thanks to Kuulis
(9678276), this would never have happened without his advice.
答 : 四年前,我从顶级联赛降级,我的球员也很老了,超过35岁。
1. 尝试所有战术(远射除外)
2. 俱乐部成就(晋升顶级联赛)
3. 国家队团队的一员
感谢Kuulis (9678276)提供很多帮助,没有他这一切不会发生。
Q: When you started, what was your training plan? If you were to start again,
what would you do differently?
问 : 你如何起头 ? 训练计画是什么 ? 如果再让你从头一次,会有什么改变吗 ?
A: I have never been good at making plans. Especially long-term plans. My
bank account was almost empty then, so I had to make a new beginning, a fresh
start. I read some press articles and searched on global for information
about LS. They all said the same. Buy young players and train scoring or
defending first. I thought I would do it differently, by training playmaking
high up first with some wing attacks. Why? I hate losing games so badly that
I decided to get back on the track as soon as possible, by winning the
midfield. If I succeed in that, I should win series, make prize money and
promote faster. I bought also some young wingers to score goals. So at that
point, I was like a normal team.
答 : 制定计画不是我的强项,尤其是长期计画。
When my midfield was ready, I sold some of my young players and invested in a
couple of defenders. Then there was the hardest choice: shooting or scoring?
I chose scoring, which was the faster way, but the problem was that I could
only train 6 of my players. I took a risk and chose to buy better
LS-defenders later. Slowly, my team started to turn into a LS-team by giving
players scoring and SP trainings. I even somehow managed to save money and
was able to buy old LS-defenders and a goalkeeper, one by one. It has been a
long road to build this kind of team, but it was worth it. You can see your
work and your players growing up.
中场准备好后,我卖了一些苗,转投资一些后卫,同时面临一个最艰难的决定 :
练入球(scoring)或是打门(shooting) ?
这里我赌了一把 : 晚一些才买远射型后卫。
I made so many mistakes. I was too optimistic about pulling together LS and
wing attack, but I couldn't mix those combination in the end. Nowadays new
game engine doesn't support that, because it supports wing towards midfield
game. Today, the opponents have stronger attacks than ever before and my team
needs even more defense. If I ever do this again, I would train defending on
my inner midfielders. Now they don't have too much defending and the team
suffers because of that. Well, maybe I have to be more patience in the
beginning, also.
Q: I can see that it is not really easy to build such a team, not very many
LS players available on the Transfer List and when you find them you'll have
to spend a lot. Yet, let's say that you are in the Hattrick Masters final,
who would you prefer to play against: a powerful, balanced team OR a team
that is specialized in Long Shots? Why?
问 : 我能理解打造这样的队伍很不容易,市场上鲜少出现远射型球员,
你希望对战实力强大的平衡型球队 ? 或是另外一只远射队 ? 为什么 ?
A: I must say I would choose Long shots. I still believe, even after winning
this Trophy, that a balanced gamestyle, with 3 attack sides is more effective
than long shots. I hate to be the underdog and against other LS-team I could
be closer to win the Hattrick Masters.
答 : 远射队。
Q: What are your best results/happy memories that you achieved with your Long
Shots team?
问 : 你的这只远射队最好的成绩是 ? 最开心的记忆是 ?
A: When I started this project, my original target was promote to the third
division. It was a memorable moment when I reached that, eventually. But when
this Supporter trophy came out six seasons ago, it was my main target to win
it one day. It took 5 big disappointments, but this time it went a little bit
better and I got the jackpot :D. And, of course, getting back to our top
league is something that I'm proud of.
答 : 这个计画我原始的目标只是升上三联,当我达成这个目标时我非常难忘。
Q: The number of teams that are playing now Long Shots tactic is increasing,
is it worth doing it? What advice do you have for those managers that are
planning to build such a team?
问 : 远射队伍地数量正在增加中,打造远射队伍真的值吗 ?
你给其他正在打造远射队伍的建议是 ?
A: This isn't a newbie's tactic. It takes nerves to build it and if you like
to change tactics a lot, this isn't your style. But if you feel that you have
done almost everything in Hattrick, this might be your solution to find back
your motivation. It takes years, but eventually it's worth it. If you are
broke, I recommend you to get some money first and do not forget to train
defending a lot, like I did, damn it. You will need that. There will be more competitors in the future and maybe
you have to think carefully what makes you so special, when comparing to the
other LS-teams. There will be a few hundreds, maybe few thousand more
LS-teams in the future and you have to beat them all. How to do that, I don't
have those answers right now.
答 : 远射不是新战术,打造远射队伍需要勇气和沉着。
未来有成千上百的远射队,你如何击败他们 ? 这个问题我甚至还没有答案。
Q: Thank you for your answers, congratulations once again and good luck in
the new season!
A: Thank you. I hope this will help you or some other readers somehow. 8
years after the launch of the LS tactic in January 2009, a LS team has
finally won a major international trophy. I'm so proud of that and want to
thank the whole LS-society for their support. Who's the next one?
感谢所有远射社群的帮忙,我很骄傲 !! 下一个远射队拿下头衔的就是你 !!