Re: [新闻] 黄国昌呛经济学人自砸招牌、丢脸! 要小

楼主: gs9305840 (gs9305840)   2024-05-31 10:42:43
Some Taiwanese worry that their lawmakers may sell them out to China
They are protesting against the legislature awarding itself greater powers
Thousands of people converged on the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s parliament,
on May 28th. Their placards read “Taiwan for the Taiwanese” and “Tyranny
of the majority is not democracy”. They tied white ribbons to police
barricades that had been put up around the building. One claimed that
democracy was “dead”.
The target of the protests, which had been bubbling for days, was not Taiwan’
s government, but its legislature. In January Lai Ching-te of the Democratic
Progressive Party (dpp) was elected Taiwan’s president. Yet in parliamentary
elections that were held simultaneously, his dpp lost control of the
Legislative Yuan to China-friendly parties. These parties have since been
backing amendments that give the legislature much greater governmental
oversight, including sweeping investigative powers. As the protesters marched
on parliament, the legislature passed the amendments into law.
The dpp and the protesters, who tend to support Taiwan’s independence from
China, see this as a power grab by the opposition Kuomintang (kmt) and its
ally, the Taiwan People’s Party (tpp). They say the two parties have been
high-handed and undemocratic, forcing the amendments through the legislature
without sufficient debate or consideration of the opinions of dpp lawmakers,
who did not have the numbers to block them.
Opposition politicians say they are seeking to improve Taiwan’s democracy by
making government more accountable. They insist the amendments were reviewed
under proper procedures, including public hearings and consultations with the
dpp. Huang Kuo-chang, a tpp lawmaker, says the ideas embodied in the
amendments are popular in America, Britain and some European countries, and
are not unique to Taiwan.
Under the new rules, legislators have the power to form panels and question,
investigate or demand documents from any official, private organisation or
individual they deem relevant. Failing to comply will result in a fine;
officials can also be jailed for up to a year for providing false
information. Critics fear the rules could be used to force officials or even
exiled Hong Kong democracy activists to disclose sensitive information that
could be leaked to China. Some opposition lawmakers, including the head of
the kmt’s legislative caucus, have warm relations with Communist officials.
dpp politicians worry that the opposition could use the threat of prison to
put pressure on them and government officials. They accuse China of being
behind the changes, but have not provided evidence for this. Opposition
politicians claim the dpp seeks to smear them by accusing them of
collaborating with China.
Arthur Ding, a military analyst at Taipei’s National Chengchi University,
says it is hard to know if there is Chinese involvement. But leaders in
Beijing will probably be happy to see the opposition challenge Mr Lai and the
dpp’s authority.
Mr Lai cannot veto the legislation. Yet Cho Jung-tai, the prime minister,
plans to send it back to parliament for review. The dpp says it will
challenge its constitutionality in court. The discord threatens Mr Lai’s
ability to govern, as parliament must approve his plans for anything from
weapons deals to spending on infrastructure. Taiwan’s governance looks about
to become a lot more dysfunctional.
※ 引述《mlkj (￾N )》之铭言:
: 经济学人昨天新出的文章,有把黄国昌的说法放进去,不过只有一句话。
: A protest against parliament 对国会的抗议
: 全文翻译如下
: Economist May 20th 2024
: 5月28日时,成千上万的台湾民众聚集在立法院。他们的标语上写着“台湾人的台湾”和
: “多数暴力不是民主”。警方在立法院外摆放了路障,抗议民众在路障上系了白丝带。一
: 条白丝带写着民主已“死亡”。
: 这几场已酝酿多日的抗议活动,目标不是台湾政府,而是立法院。今年1月,民进党籍的
: 赖清德当选台湾总统。然而,在同时举行的立委选举中,他所属的民进党失去了立院多数
: 党的地位,转由亲中的政党掌控。在野党自赢得国会多数席次后便持续倡议修法,赋予立
: 法院更大的监督权力,包含广泛的调查权。在抗议者围绕在立法院外的同时,立院内已通
: 过立法。
: 民进党及抗议者(通常倾向独立)认为,这是国民党及其盟友民众党的夺权行动。他们表示
: ,这两个政党行事高压且不民主,未经充分辩论或考虑民进党立法委员的意见,便强行通
: 过了这些法案,而民进党立委的席次无力阻止法案通过。
: 在野党的政治人物则表示,他们是希望政府能更负责任,进而改善台湾的民主。他们坚持
: ,法案有经过适当程序审查,包括公听会以及与民进党协商。民众党立委黄国昌表示,法
: 案所包含的理念在美国、英国和一些欧洲国家都很受欢迎,并非台湾独有。
: 根据新法,立法委员有权组成调查小组,可质询、调查或要求任何他们认为相关的官员、
: 私人组织或个人提供文件。不服从者将被罚款;官员若提供不实讯息,最多会被处一年徒
: 刑。批评者担心,新法可能会被用来逼迫官员,甚至逼迫流亡至台湾的香港民主人士揭露
: 敏感资讯,而这些资讯可能会被泄露给中国。包含国民党立院党团总召在内的一些在野党
: 立委,与中国共产党官员拥有密切关系。
: 民进党政治人物担心,在野党可能利用入狱的威胁,来对执政党立委及官员施加压力。他
: 们指责中国在背后推动立法,但还未能拿出证据。反对党的政治人物则称,民进党试着抹
: 红他们。
: 专研军事分析的政大丁树范教授认为,很难确定中国是否有参与。但北京领导人可能会乐
: 见反对党挑战赖清德及民进党的权威性。
: 赖清德总统无法否决这项立法。然而,行政院长卓荣泰计划将提出覆议。民进党也表示,
: 将挑战其合宪性。由于从军购到基础建设的支出都需要得到立法院的许可,这场纷争将威
: 胁到赖清德总统的国家治理能力。
: 这场纷争威胁到赖清德的治理能力,因为任何从武器交易到基础设施支出的计划都必须得
: 到立法院的批准。台湾的治理看来即将变得更加功能失调。台湾的政府治理看起来即将变
: 得更加失能。
: ※ 引述《h80733 (如)》之铭言:
: : 典型三名自造谣标题文章
: : 反正现在的人都不会仔细看内容。
: : 所以就搞这种标题抹黑?
: : =========================
: : 英国《经济学人》访问,批该媒体拿
: : 民,批该媒体拿民进党“造谣”的东西去问他
: : ,还呛“如果写出说台湾国会改革很可怕的
: : 文章.......那是经济学人在自砸招牌、自己
: : 丢自己的脸”。相关发言曝光后掀起热议。
: : ==================================
: : 经济学人会不会批评台湾国会改革?
: : 目前没看到。
: : 这边是在酸写出台湾国会改革很可怕的媒体,是在砸自己招牌。
: : 不过经济学人至少比 英国Financial time负责。
: : 至少采访了在野党。
: : 客观公正媒体,对于政治议题至少应该都要采访正方反方意见。
: : =====================================
: : 聊到近日国内有100多位法律学者连署“国会扩权”法案退回重
: : 审运动一事,“他们连署的声明我拜读过了,
: : 以前有很多都是自己在法学界的同僚,所以
: : 我话不想说得太重......我以前在法学界的朋
: : 友看到后,所以就传讯息来给我,他说那个
: : 声明的内容太空洞。”
: : 只能说造谣仔喜欢看造谣苗直播也不意外?
: :

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