Re: [新闻] 蓝营强推藐视国会罪 欧洲商会示警:投资

楼主: A6 (短ID真好)   2024-04-28 22:02:41
※ 引述《geordie (梦の住民)》之铭言:
: 自由
: 蓝营强推藐视国会罪 欧洲商会示警:投资有风险
: 欧洲商会直言:荒谬法案
: 报告内容提到,国民党团预告四月中将排案审查吹哨者保护法,此法将涵盖公部门与私部门
: ,并回溯至二○一二年。国民党多位立委并力推与美国“藐视国会罪”类似的“藐视立法院
: 罪”。法务部次长陈明堂曾表示,这恐引起与立法院合作作证意愿的寒蝉效应,台湾媒体更
: 称该提案“荒谬”。
欧洲商会原文 是在这里
Notable Legislation Yuan developments
The KMT Legislative Yuan caucus recently emphasized its plans to pass
whistleblower legislation. The process to pass whistleblower protection
legislation, for both the public and private sector, dates from 2012. KMT
legislators also proposed to criminalize “contempt of the Legislative Yuan
”, similar to the criminalization of “contempt of Congress” in the United
States. A Deputy Minister of Justice warned this would have a “chilling
effect” on the willingness of witnesses to cooperate with the Legislative
Yuan, and a commentary in Taiwan media called the proposal “absurd”.
欧洲商会特别说了 这法条和美国的藐视国会罪 类似
怎么了 学美国有问题?? 你今天疑美了吗
另外 他是引述
欧洲商会 只是引述的说法 结果变成欧洲商会说 ??
笑死 妥妥的出口转内销

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