2023-05-09 21:33:11字太小
Dear Terry,
Thank you very much for your email. It is good to hear from you again after all
that time. Many things have happened since we last talked, and I admire both
how you are continuously and very successfully building Forcomn and how you
manage all your other activities.
I talked today to Andreas Seringmann and Helmut Jackde, the chairman of
BioNTech. Helmut was very aware of the situation in Taiwan. He explained that
there has been an agreement negotiated between BioNTech and the Taiwanese
government. The only reason why this agreement has not been implemented,
according to Helmut, was because the Taiwanese government insisted that the
public announcement about this agreement state that this agreement is between
BioNTech and the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan. Since this was unacceptable
to Fosun, the deal was cancelled.
Since BioNTech and Fosun are not allowed to sell to anybody else other than a
government body, there does not seem to be a workable solution. However, Helmut
told me that he will look into this issue again. Terry, I am sorry for this
unsatisfactory reply. Maybe you can use your political influence to convince
the Taiwanese governance that with a different wording there could be a deal.
I will follow up with Hamat, and as soon as I get any news or information, I'll
let you know.
All the best,
Warm regards,
※ 引述《orzmaster (哈榭尔)》之铭言:
: ...
: 根据Helmut的说法,该协议之所以未实施,唯一的原因就是,台湾政府坚持在有关该协议
: 的公告中,声明该协议是BioNTech与独立的台湾政府(INDEPENDENT Government of
: Taiwan)之间的协议。但由于Fosun(中国上海复星制药)无法接受,交易即被取消。(编
: 按:BNT要求我方将拟发布之采购新闻稿中的“我国”改为“台湾”,但我方旋即更改后
: BNT便不再有联系)
: 由于BioNTech和Fosun(中国上海复星)均不允许销售给政府机构以外的任何人,因此似
: 乎没有可行的解决方案。
: ...
: 原文网址: 独/关键原文电邮首曝光 郭台铭早知BNT不卖他!仍甩锅蔡英文挡疫苗 |
: ETtoday政治新闻 | ETtoday新闻云
: https://www.ettoday.net/news/20230509/2495755.htm#ixzz81DZN9fFt
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: 从信件内容来看
: 原来的疫苗采购已经谈妥了
: 对方似乎也没硬要求‘中国台湾’
: 然后蔡英文政府就北烂北烂的
: 强硬要求使用‘独立的台湾政府’
: 最后就破局了~
: 当时其他品牌的进口疫苗
: 也是在美日‘强硬捐赠’才塞进来台湾的
: 加上的高端股票瀑布与各种政府护航反应来看来看
: ‘为了销售高端而强硬阻挡进口疫苗的,是蔡英文政府’实属合理解释