※ 引述《jeffguoft (见习生_O7)》之铭言:
: 最近看了些史料的影片挺有意思,刚好看到蒋介石的日记
: 我发现蒋介石对美国本性把握之精准阿
: 1953/7/12 蒋介石日记:
: “再不要幻想美国援助我反攻复国。该国之政策与诺言绝不能信赖,其幼稚、冲动、反复
: 无常之教训,如果自无主张与实力,若与之合作,只有被其陷害与牺牲而已。”
President Harry Truman said:
Chiang Kai-shek and the Madame and their families, the Soong family and the Kungs were all thieves... They stole seven hundred and fifty million dollars out of the thirty-five billion we sent ... and invested in real estate ... And I don't want anything to do with people like that."