[新闻] 合体钟东锦撇“黑白配” 柯文哲:一定要

楼主: sweat992001 (小樽)   2022-10-21 22:32:31
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合体钟东锦撇“黑白配” 柯文哲:一定要讲成坏人?
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作者: boboking2 (魔fuck学徒)   2022-10-21 22:34:00
阿北遇到的就不是坏人 嘻嘻
作者: hqu (小毛毡苔)   2022-10-21 22:35:00
只要能拉下民退党 杀人犯也要挺
作者: zukidelko (婴儿肥)   2022-10-21 22:36:00
不然他是好人吗= =
作者: CavendishJr (花学姐最高)   2022-10-21 22:36:00
作者: MisuzuXD (战斗妖精夏珊)   2022-10-21 22:37:00
酒驾肇逃比杀人还严重 对吗柯粉
作者: CavendishJr (花学姐最高)   2022-10-21 22:37:00
作者: Lailungsheng (原来我是萧远山...)   2022-10-21 22:37:00
作者: Hohenzollern   2022-10-21 22:37:00
作者: joexnozomi (joe2.0)   2022-10-21 22:37:00
作者: fenrisfang (fenrir)   2022-10-21 22:37:00
只有阿北可以空口污人贪污 不准说阿北的好朋友是坏人
作者: rayisgreat (竹枫岚雪)   2022-10-21 22:39:00
作者: thehospital   2022-10-21 22:39:00
说人是坏人不是健康的姿态,叫人去死比较健康 很科学
作者: orinsinal (Wind Traveler)   2022-10-21 22:42:00
阿北认证 好人 民进党是坏人 喔喔喔喔喔喔
作者: benothing (禹枫)   2022-10-21 22:42:00
作者: Arthurseed (Arthur)   2022-10-21 22:43:00
作者: excia (Afei)   2022-10-21 22:44:00
划破肚皮肠子跑出来 伤害致死 应该不算坏人 新政治麻肇逃 打小玛莉 十恶不赦的恶人 然后这时候钟是好人了 超越蓝绿新政治就是这么棒
作者: CavendishJr (花学姐最高)   2022-10-21 22:47:00
作者: Hohenzollern   2022-10-21 22:48:00
作者: zukidelko (婴儿肥)   2022-10-21 22:49:00
作者: FoRTuNaTeR   2022-10-21 22:50:00
作者: kouta (Kk)   2022-10-21 22:52:00
作者: uam (my attitude)   2022-10-21 22:54:00
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-21 22:59:00
作者: sunrise2003 (侠气与狂醉)   2022-10-21 22:59:00
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-21 23:01:00
作者: remprogress (rpg)   2022-10-21 23:02:00
作者: a930740 (000)   2022-10-21 23:02:00
作者: silentence (小飞号:号:)   2022-10-21 23:04:00
作者: Iamidiots (我是白痴)   2022-10-21 23:04:00
作者: cheetahspeed (respectmustbetaught)   2022-10-21 23:04:00
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-21 23:05:00
作者: notea (QOO)   2022-10-21 23:05:00
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-21 23:06:00
作者: thbygn98 (可以)   2022-10-21 23:06:00
作者: whitezealman   2022-10-21 23:06:00
柯韩颜卢搞烂社会 搞烂ptt
作者: notea (QOO)   2022-10-21 23:06:00
作者: SPDY (Alex)   2022-10-21 23:07:00
一再证明 当初柯文哲真的活该应该地下4 道貌岸然完全没底线
作者: starcow (JACK)   2022-10-21 23:08:00
为了政治利益,出卖自己的良心, 可悲阿
作者: uam (my attitude)   2022-10-21 23:09:00
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-21 23:11:00
作者: jis37 (jis)   2022-10-21 23:12:00
干!跟苗栗议长见个面 也能无限上纲到柯p支持杀人犯!钟年轻犯罪 已受法律治裁 还要怎样?蔡适应为了拉票 还不是去祝贺太阳会老大生日 有什么问题?
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-21 23:16:00
作者: youjan   2022-10-21 23:19:00
作者: whitezealman   2022-10-21 23:24:00
近柯者烂 柯文哲在台大医院一个朋友也无 还被赶到地下室 绝对不是没有原因
作者: heybro (魔法肥宅见习生)   2022-10-21 23:24:00
我们绿粉都喜欢黄承国 赵介佑这种的 懂?
作者: FoRTuNaTeR   2022-10-21 23:26:00
CF曰:“放下西瓜刀,立地成佛”CF曰:“要有光”,就有了光KoP said, Let there be light: and there was light.In the beginning Kop created the heavenand the earth.And the earth was without form, and void; anddarkness was upon the face of the deep. And theSpirit of Kop moved upon the face of the waters.And Kop said, Let there be light: and there waslight.And Kop saw the light, that it was good: and Kopdivided the light from the darkness.And Kop called the light Day, and the darkness hecalled Night. And the evening and the morning werethe first day.And Kop said, Let there be a firmament in themidst of the waters, and let it divide the watersfrom the waters.And Kop made the firmament, and divided the waterswhich were under the firmament from the waterswhich were above the firmament: and it was so.And Kop called the firmament Heaven. And theevening and the morning were the second day.And Kop said, Let the waters under the heaven begathered together unto one place, and let the dryland appear: and it was so.And Kop called the dry land Earth; and thegathering together of the waters called he Seas:and Kop saw that it was good.And Kop said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the
作者: ayubabbit (ウォロックが倒せな)   2022-10-21 23:34:00
我也觉得很神奇 以前根本没人在提这咖
作者: FoRTuNaTeR   2022-10-21 23:34:00
herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yieldingfruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself,upon the earth: and it was so.And the earth brought forth grass, and herbyielding seed after his kind, and the treeyielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, afterhis kind: and Kop saw that it was good.And the evening and the morning were the third day.And Kop said, Let there be lights in the firmamentof the heaven to divide the day from the night;and let them be for signs, and for seasons, andfor days, and years:And let them be for lights in the firmament of theheaven to give light upon the earth: and it wasso.And Kop made two great lights; the greater lightto rule the day, and the lesser light to rule thenight: he made the stars also.And Kop set them in the firmament of the heaven togive light upon the earth,And to rule over the day and over the night, andto divide the light from the darkness: and Kop sawthat it was good.And the evening and the morning were the fourthday.And Kop said, Let the waters bring forthabundantly the moving creature that hath life, andfowl that may fly above the earth in the openfirmament of heaven.And Kop created great whales, and every livingcreature that moveth, which the waters broughtforth abundantly, after their kind, and everywinged fowl after his kind: and Kop saw that itwas good.And Kop blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and letfowl multiply in the earth.And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.And Kop said, Let the earth bring forth the livingcreature after his kind, cattle, and creepingthing, and beast of the earth after his kind: andit was so.And Kop made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thingthat creepeth upon the earth after his kind: andKop saw that it was good.And Kop said, Let us make man in our image, afterour likeness: and let them have dominion over thefish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, andover the cattle, and over all the earth, and overevery creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.So Kop created man in his own image, in the imageof Kop created he him; male and female created hethem.And Kop blessed them, and Kop said unto them, Befruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the fowl of the air, and overevery living thing that moveth upon the earth.And Kop said, Behold, I have given you every herbbearing seed, which is upon the face of all theearth, and every tree, in the which is the fruitof a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be formeat.And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowlof the air, and to every thing that creepeth uponthe earth, wherein there is life, I have givenevery green herb for meat: and it was so.And Kop saw every thing that he had made, and,behold, it was very good. And the evening and themorning were the sixth day.Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, andall the host of them.And on the seventh day Kopd ended his work whichhe had made; and he rested on the seventh day fromall his work which he had made.And Kop blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all hiswork which Kop created and made.These are the generations of the heavens and ofthe earth when they were created, in the day thatthe LORD Kop made the earth and the heavens,And every plant of the field before it was in theearth, and every herb of the field before it grew:for the LORD Kop had not caused it to rain uponthe earth, and there was not a man to till theground.But there went up a mist from the earth, andwatered the whole face of the ground.And the LORD Kop formed man of the dust of theground, and breathed into his nostrils the breathof life; and man became a living soul.And the LORD Kop planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.And out of the ground made the LORD Kop to growevery tree that is pleasant to the sight, and goodfor food; the tree of life also in the midst ofthe garden, and the tree of knowledge of good andevil.And a river went out of Eden to water the garden;and from thence it was parted, and became intofour heads.The name of the first is Pison: that is it whichcompasseth the whole land of Havilah, where thereis gold;And the gold of that land is good: there isbdellium and the onyx stone.
作者: a4302f (KJ_Chino)   2022-10-21 23:43:00
恶心4%党 超越蓝绿的恶
作者: FoRTuNaTeR   2022-10-21 23:43:00
And the name of the second river is Gihon: thesame is it that compasseth the whole land ofEthiopia.And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: thatis it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. Andthe fourth river is Euphrates.And the LORD Kop took the man, and put him intothe garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.And the LORD Kop commanded the man, saying, Ofevery tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day thatthou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.And the LORD Kop said, It is not good that the manshould be alone; I will make him an help meet forhim.And out of the ground the LORD Kop formed everybeast of the field, and every fowl of the air; andbrought them unto Adam to see what he would callthem: and whatsoever Adam called every livingcreature, that was the name thereof.And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowlof the air, and to every beast of the field; butfor Adam there was not found an help meet for him.And the LORD Kop caused a deep sleep to fall uponAdam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs,and closed up the flesh instead thereof;And the rib, which the LORD Kop had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, andflesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man.Therefore shall a man leave his father and hismother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and theyshall be one flesh.And they were both naked, the man and his wife,and were not ashamed.Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast ofthe field which the LORD Kop had made. And he saidunto the woman, Yea, hath Kop said, Ye shall noteat of every tree of the garden?
作者: arsian (arsian)   2022-10-21 23:48:00
不要叫坏人 那叫圣母好了
作者: MVPGGYY (MVP)   2022-10-21 23:50:00
作者: howdonc (老地方)   2022-10-21 23:51:00
楼上来乱的 是想干嘛 ? 四趴怕人讨论黑白配 版主不处理喔?
作者: maxmaster ( Corleone)   2022-10-21 23:54:00
国民党排黑条款排掉的 为了票也能吞下去 我柯长大了
作者: guast   2022-10-22 00:34:00
作者: ucs1 (open咧)   2022-10-22 00:37:00
你已经够坏心了 还找一个更坏的 去吃屎吧陈菊在你心中都十恶不赦了 你他妈却可以洗白钟东瑾 怎么不去死一死
作者: RLH (我们很近也很远)   2022-10-22 01:02:00
作者: hilario (sdwdfqwe)   2022-10-22 01:10:00
防疫疏失:去死! 杀人破肚肠子流出来犯罪:好人!我柯P 我骄傲!
作者: jong (  ￾N)   2022-10-22 01:14:00
作者: excia (Afei)   2022-10-22 01:34:00
陈菊为非作歹 陈时中谋财害命 钟东锦值得交往的好人 这就是超越蓝绿新政治第三势力 这就是柯文哲带来最下干低级龌龊的政治文化
作者: gn02546574 (Charles227)   2022-10-22 01:37:00
作者: jack14002 (空儿)   2022-10-22 02:49:00
作者: ke0119   2022-10-22 02:55:00
作者: foolfighter (傻瓜斗士)   2022-10-22 02:58:00
作者: blademan   2022-10-22 03:12:00
八卦完全无视这篇 继续舔柯师傅清廉正直
作者: chiur (chiubazki)   2022-10-22 04:19:00
哪个黑 哪个白?
作者: bbstalk   2022-10-22 04:46:00
作者: fortrees (九黎鲧)   2022-10-22 05:30:00
作者: fouto (なにこいつ.こわΣ(∵))   2022-10-22 06:01:00
作者: syensyens (小韦)   2022-10-22 07:19:00
作者: cerenin   2022-10-22 08:20:00
作者: startiger (??)   2022-10-22 08:32:00
作者: JyouItsu (MaiGo)   2022-10-22 09:33:00

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