法新社这篇关于中国对台湾假消息攻势的报导指出, 中国利用台湾的自由媒体环境,大量散布假讯息,特别是在批踢踢。 这算是另类的国际认证吧! Taiwan is one of Asia's most progressive democracies and enjoys a much freer media environment than the authoritarian Chinese mainland, where a "Great Firewall" and pervasive state censorship keeps watch. But this means misinformation often spreads easily, both on major social media sites and more local messaging boards such as PTT.
里面讲的major social media,应该也包含台湾最流行的Facebook,那也代表被认证脸书是假讯息温床?经营最多脸书粉专的不就是.....把外媒报导当成一种认证本身就是很奇怪的事,媒体就是报导他访问到的内容,顶多做一些简单的多方查核而已,但要当成认证真的差太远,媒体是传播业不是调查单位。