推 onetwo01: 你是不是没有跟到白宫会见名单那篇新闻?01/31 07:32 到底是哪一篇新闻呢? 国内有哪一家媒体报导?或是哪一篇新闻稿有呢? 我只看到下面这样的报导而已。 美国副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)27日参加洪都拉斯总 统卡斯楚(Xiomara Castro)就职典礼,曾与中华民国副总 统赖清德短暂对话;贺锦丽说,赖清德“走过来介绍自己。” 贺锦丽在就职典礼后回答媒体询问时表示,她并未在与卡斯 楚会谈时提到中国,但赖清德在活动现场走过来向她自我介 绍,两人的简短对话谈的是美台在这个区域有共同利益,以 及台湾对美国“根本原因”战略的兴趣。 https://udn.com/news/story/6656/6066942 Harris told reporters she spoke with William Lai about their shared interest in Central America and the U.S. government’s “root causes” strategy to curb migration. “The brief conversation that we had was really about a common interest in this part of the region and apparently Taiwan‘s interest in our root causes strategy,” she said, adding Lai had approached her. https://tinyurl.com/2p8pzxzv