[讨论] 神药出事了!?

楼主: wts4832 (住在海边的地瓜)   2021-11-03 11:49:40
逛美股讨论版偶然看到吹哨者爆料 Pfizer's vaccine 三期数据有问题
不久才出来的爆料 真实性还有待观察
大意就是吹哨者出来爆料 辉瑞在德州的包商 实验室管理失当 做试验造假
包括 伪造数据、没有blinded patients、隐瞒迟报不利数据、
实验室员工训练不足,实验室管理问题 啥的
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s
vaccine trial
摘录内文 第一段部份
But, for researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in
Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity
and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research
organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company
falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained
vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’
s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were
overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly
notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson,
emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia
fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of
internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails
作者: vega790205 (vega )   2021-11-03 11:50:00
作者: Robben (裸奔)   2021-11-03 11:50:00
作者: jorden (William)   2021-11-03 11:51:00
塔绿班侧翼干的 神药不可能这样的
作者: DDDDRR (QQ)   2021-11-03 11:51:00
全世界本来就不是只有美国日本...etc 反正不要出国就行 打打高端没什么
作者: abc9bitedi (abc9bitedi)   2021-11-03 11:51:00
好啦好啦 高端最棒了
作者: Jsyc241008 (温馨肥宅)   2021-11-03 11:52:00
我打莫哦 ^_^
作者: z1976 (z1976)   2021-11-03 11:52:00
先观察吧 不论如何都感谢GG慈济郭董
作者: ganninian (喔喔)   2021-11-03 11:52:00
你们再怎么黑 高端这垃圾疫苗还是滞销啊
作者: Y1309   2021-11-03 11:52:00
作者: lazycat5 (phoenix)   2021-11-03 11:53:00
作者: palindromes   2021-11-03 11:54:00
作者: abyssa1 (abyssa1)   2021-11-03 11:54:00
作者: pollux945 (已经变老谢了)   2021-11-03 11:55:00
作者: rexqwer (阮朋)   2021-11-03 11:55:00
美国很多奇怪的阴谋论的 不过现在打都打了 难不成你要怪郭董?
作者: DDDDRR (QQ)   2021-11-03 11:55:00
作者: zerowingtw (.....)   2021-11-03 11:58:00
作者: Aidrux (保境安民)   2021-11-03 11:58:00
作者: AGODFATHER (今天不打球)   2021-11-03 12:03:00
还好吧 都打到真实世界了 一堆四期数据不是他们能控制的
作者: ganninian (喔喔)   2021-11-03 12:03:00
https://i.imgur.com/7aMD7Q8.jpg难怪你们这么讨厌BNT 害你们的高端滞销了 哈哈
作者: rishadan   2021-11-03 12:11:00
We’ll see
作者: ycjcsie (ycj)   2021-11-03 12:18:00
没差啦 药证都到手了
作者: patiger (唉)   2021-11-03 12:42:00

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