Re: [讨论] 川普叫拜登下台耶

楼主: angellll (長尾巴的天使)   2021-08-25 08:15:18
※ 引述《Phater (肥特)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《angellll (长尾巴的天使)》之铭言:
: : 下周要公开 亚利桑那州的选票监察结果
: : 就来看看希迷口中的
: : 死人投票 幽灵投票 窜改选票
: : 是不是真的一次选举只有 2, 3人不足以改变选举结果
: : Fulton County 被发现 98% 的电子计票都有问题 变成人为审查
: : 应该是没有民主国家的选民会懂
: : 为什么要买一个读卡机 98%的选票都读不了呢 但是却要在选举时连上网络呢?
: : 至于像威州 偷偷把30万不该存在的选举人从登记名录拿掉
: : 也不解释 30万里面有多少投过票
: : 就继续看下去
: 一个礼拜过去了,你的结果出来了吗? 还是要继续下一周啊?
: 搞了四个月结果请病假,下次换什么理由? 报告被狗吃了?
: 继续看下去
The envelope analysis phase of the audit will begin shortly and Maricopa
County still refuses to comply with subpoenas.
Natalie Harp: We are so excited about the audit results coming out. We know
that now the Senate has received the results. Today was the day. Now they’re
going to review it with a team of lawyers, how long do you think that’s
going to take and what are they really doing when they’re reviewing it? are
they afraid of being sued or, why aren’t they releasing it right away?
Ward: Well, I think they want to review. I mean, they’re the ones that
requisitioned this audit. They are the ones that are responsible. They hired
experts to be able to do the job of actually auditing and analyzing, and now
the Senate has to take the time to be able to look at what they’ve been
given. And remember it’s only a partial report, Natalie, Maricopa County
just gave us the ballot envelope, images, a few days ago. So, that’s not
even incorporated into this preliminary report that they’ve been given
today. And I saw a report or a statement from Karen Fann Senate President
Fann, that Doug Logan and a couple of other people on the audit team have
developed COVID. So, please everybody keep them in your prayers I hope they’
re getting Regeneron, I hope that they are doing everything possible. Because
we certainly cannot lose those guys, because they are the experts that are
going to get to the bottom of what happened in 2020. Those legislators and
all of us out here are the ones who are going to put the pressure on to make
sure that there’s a reckoning if there is a vast discrepancy in what we’re
finding in Arizona and across the country.
一张选票 50美金
作者: yidayida   2021-08-25 08:19:00
作者: bighorse0   2021-08-25 08:22:00
作者: a000000000 (九个零喔)   2021-08-25 08:26:00
作者: Phater (肥特)   2021-08-25 08:26:00
作者: OSDim (I'm So Sorry)   2021-08-25 08:26:00
赞赞== 民主党不yee外
作者: yidayida   2021-08-25 08:29:00要被调查的是川普啦每天一堆假消息从去年到现在超烦xd
作者: nnkj (井上吃鸡)   2021-08-25 08:33:00
作者: gogoegg (--)   2021-08-25 08:37:00
anjou 号称自删ID 但我看2024又会出来战 XDDDD
作者: ohoohoo   2021-08-25 09:08:00
作者: yidayida   2021-08-25 09:21:00

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