※ 引述《chifu ((^oo^)~)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《demitri (咚隆咚隆)》之铭言:
: : https://tinyurl.com/e34zacum
: : 路透社新闻 讲到郭台铭去谈疫苗的事 里面顺便提到佛光山跟娇生
: : 标题:富士康的创办人郭台铭申请帮台湾买BNT疫苗
: : Foxconn, founder Gou apply to purchase BioNTech vaccines for Taiwan
: : 里面讲到这段:
: : 佛光山正在准备给政府审阅的资料,
: : 但是娇生说,他们只跟政府机构,还有超国家组织,例如欧盟委员会谈。
: : “在这个紧急的大流行时刻,我们不会跟第三方组织来合作。”
: : 原文于此:
: : The association(佛光山) is working on the documentation
: : required by the government.
: : However, Johnson & Johnson said it was only negotiating
: : with government bodies and supranational organisations
: : like the European Commission for vaccine purchases.
: : "We are not working with or through third parties for
: : vaccine access during the current emergency pandemic period,"
: : 我想其他药厂立场不会差太多,大概都倾向跟中央政府or以上的层级谈。
: : 之前就有印度的例子了。
: : 所以就是这样,我们督促政府最有意义。佛光山不要抱太多期待,
: : 要是真的能成,也很难是佛光山自己促成的。
: : ===
: : 有兴趣的,我可以帮翻全文出来。但要等一下。
: https://www.pfizer.com/es-us/node/530441
: During the initial stage, our contracts are with governments, and we will be
: providing doses according to their preferred channel and designated
: vaccination locations, subject to regulatory authorization or approval. We
: seek to work with governments to support distribution to their defined
: priority groups, and we anticipate that points of vaccination will vary but
: may include hospitals, outpatient clinics, community vaccination locations
: and pharmacies.
: 在初始阶段,我们的合同是与政府签订的,我们将根据他们的首选渠道和指定的疫苗接种
: 地点提供剂量,但须经监管部门授权或批准。我们寻求与政府合作,支持向其定义的优先
: 群体分发疫苗,我们预计接种点将有所不同,但可能包括医院、门诊、社区接种点和药店
: 。
: 辉瑞官网一样讲只跟政府签约,果冻能拿到最好,也许他真的有特殊管道可以拿到,
: 不过现在随便一个人都可以出来讲我拿到疫苗,反正到时候出不来就说CDC在卡就好,
: 你查得到一堆新闻写地方政府或私人团体想要自己引进疫苗,但我是没看到有成功的,
: 过了EUA不代表真的是可以像一般正常程序取得药证的药品可以任意贩售,
: 所以各大药厂才会只跟政府单位对口。
: 不过现在的风向就是先出来喊要进口疫苗,拿不到就说中央在卡就好了。
White House chief of staff Ron Klain said Sunday that it’s not possible for
states to purchase Covid-19 vaccines directly from manufacturers.
The comments come after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked Pfizer on Monday to
purchase vaccines directly from the company, citing tightening supply.
“As a matter of law, this vaccine is under an emergency use authorization,”
Klain told NBC when asked about the requests. “I don’t think that’s
possible,” Klain said.
Pfizer spokeswoman Jerica Pitts said the company is open to a broader
collaboration model that would help expedite the distribution. However, she
said federal approval would be needed for any direct sales to states.
辉瑞公司发言人Jerica Pitts说,该公司对更广泛的合作模式持开放态度,这将有助于加