pinkowa (pinkowa)
2021-05-31 20:39:52恕删...
这要怎么办? 如果CDC又要玩阴的话?
: : https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2021-05-31/582026
: : 只有打过AZ、Moderna、辉瑞BNT、娇生的旅客可以自由进出
: : 竟然没有高端疫苗!!!!
: : 合理怀疑这都是中国在打压台湾,中共同路人+1
: 这篇是原文
: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/19/world/europe/travel-vaccine.html
: Under the E.U. plan, the bloc would accept visitors who have completed their i
: mmunization at least two weeks before their arrival, using one of the shots ap
: proved by its own regulator or by the World Health Organization. That covers t
: he vaccines from AstraZeneca,Johnson & Johnson,Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and
: Sinopharm, according to a draft of the rules seen by The New York Times.
: 开放包含五种疫苗 AZ 娇生 莫德瑞 辉瑞
: 还有Sinopharm 就是中共国药疫苗
: That would open the door to immunized Americans, who have been receiving shot
: s from Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer.
: 台湾疫苗要加油了! 打完没办法出国就哭哭了!