: → goetze: 意见不合就针对意见发言~可是川普的下一步就是污辱人 11/26 23:26 : → MoneyMonkey: 这确实是川普的错误/失策 11/26 23:50 clifflee板友提供了我找不到的新闻内容, 这样看起来川普在马提斯这件事情上,并不是如我所认为的厚道。 我重新搜寻了一下,跟刻板印象不同, 根据我搜寻到的结果,川普在马提斯这件事情上非常厚道。 2018年12月21日,川普宣布马提斯即将退休,并且赞扬马提斯任内的表现。(注) https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1075878793393463296 这是快刀斩乱麻,强行创造好聚好散的局面。 拖越久,民主党会有越多见缝插针的空间,美军会错失最好的抽身时机, 库德族的处境也会越来越不妙。 之后我查到的部分,都是马提斯先骂川普,川普才骂回去。 2020/6/3,马提斯指控川普意图分裂美国, 川普回呛马提斯"疯狗"、"被高估"。 https://udn.com/news/story/6813/4614150 最近马提斯要求拜登废除川普的美国优先政策, 换言之,从川普的角度来看,这是要让美国增兵叙利亚, 跟俄罗斯、土耳其杠上,让欧盟可以扯后腿, 也让库德族的处境更加艰难。于是川普回呛马提斯"史上最过誉将军"。 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3361789 你不能够要求每一任美国总统都做到骂不还口, 尤其是几乎被指控叛国的时候。(被指控意图分裂美国) 注 : https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1075878793393463296 General Jim Mattis will be retiring, with distinction, at the end of February, after having served my Administration a s Secretary of Defense for the past two years. During Jim’s tenure, tremendous progress has been made, especially with respect to the purchase of new fighting equipment. General Mattis was a great help to me in getting allies and other countries to pay their share of military obligations. A new Secretary of Defense will be named shortly. I greatly thank Jim for his service!