报导来自FOX新闻 https://reurl.cc/e8gNRR House leaders urge Democrats not to join team Biden to maintain majority “Nancy is telling House members, ‘Now is not the time to leave,'” a Democratic Party official who’s been briefed by Democratic congressional reps said. The sensitive topics of jumping ship to work for Biden amid the loss of House seats came up at a House Democratic caucus meeting last week. “It’s not helpful to talk about that,” a member of Democratic leadership reportedly said on the call regarding House Dems wanting to relinquish their seats and work for Biden. 拜登找了20个众议员和10个参议员去内阁团队 佩洛西不准他们离开 因为这30个人如果补选输了 民主党就彻底残废了 可怜哪= = 共和党牺牲了川普 要成为最后赢家了吗?