※ 引述《angellll (长尾巴的天使)》之铭言:
: 辩论会第二场的 Moderator
: 被人抓包根本就是个反川大将
: 还发推特问 Never Trumper 要怎样演
: 被抓包之后推说自己twitter 是被骇客入侵的
: 结果今天承认自己说谎
: 所以
: MSM 故意安排了反川的 辩论会主持人
: 想要给川普难看
: 这事情跟 2016年 民主党党团主席
: Donna Brazile
: 被抓包泄漏辩论会题目给希拉蕊阵营
: 一样搞笑
: 民主党越来越像韩国人了
: 不择手段 下流无耻
I was right again! Steve Scully just admitted he was lying about his Twitter b
eing hacked. The Debate was Rigged! He was suspended from CSPAN indefinitely.
The Trump Campaign was not treated fairly by the “Commission”. Did I show go
od instincts in being the first to know?
川普发文了,嘴爆 然后steve无限期停职 连cnn都报了,民调大赢还这样搞有够丢脸