waddler (Sealed)
2020-08-12 22:03:09别教坏小孩
现今学术论文对抄袭 plagiarism 的认定比你想像的严格得多
例如我刚刚 google 到某校(应该不是学店),对 plagiarism 的定义
以下节录自 https://www.lse.ac.uk/health-policy/current-students/plagiarism
... inserting a section of text (of any size) from someone else's work in to
your own without quotation marks would be plagiarism even if the source were
acknowledged in a precise reference. ...
For example, this is plagiarism:
In my essay, I will be analysing the rise of NGOs. Since the 1980s, NGOs have
moved to the forefront of development policy and practice. There are many
different types of NGOs, as I will show in the next section…
This is not (because it is properly quoted):
In my essay, I will be analysing the rise of NGOs. As Smith has written
(1998:17) "since the 1980s, NGOs have moved to the forefront of development
policy and practice". There are many different types of NGOs, as I will show
in the next section…
※ 引述《kcbill (明日やろうは马鹿野郎だ)》之铭言:
: 安安好像刚刚论文仔又高潮了一波
: 根据林环墙教授脸书贴文
: 发现说蔡英文博士论文抄袭两段
: 是抄袭贸易理论学者Harry G. Johnson
: 其实林环墙用红框标起来的是第14页两句话
: 1.
: whether a country is absolutely strong or absolutely weak, it can maximize the
: power avialable to it by concentrating on those activities in which it is rel
: atively more powerful and hiring the services of specialists in those activiti
: es in which it is weaker.
: 2.
: Both the Ricardian and the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson models carry the implicit
: assumption that involvement in international trade entails the enjoyment of e
: conomic benefits from efficient resource utilization with little or no cost in
: terms of serious disturbance to men’s livehood and economic and social lives
: .
: https://i.imgur.com/MKvM0j0.jpg
: 不过林环墙没有贴出来的是下一页第15页
: https://i.imgur.com/3QclpAI.jpg
: 很明显的可以发现蔡英文在那边有注记
: 然后我们往注记页那边翻
: https://i.imgur.com/t4iXZo1.jpg
: 就可以发现出处是Johnson在某本书的前言
: H.G. Johnson, Forewords to the ‘Trade Effects of Public Subsidies to Private
: Enterprises’ by G. Denton, S. O’Cleireacan and S. Ash, pp. xxv
: (林环墙说的抄袭Johnson就是这边这位)
: 林环墙质疑抄袭的的第二句话
: 在蔡英文有注记的这个出处的第xxv页
: https://i.imgur.com/XmfqW3o.jpg
: 而林环墙质疑的第一句话
: 同样在这个出处找得到在第xix页
: https://i.imgur.com/L1lNNge.jpg
: 论文仔最多也只能打林环墙质疑的第一句话蔡英文没有紧接着明确标注而已
: (但其实那一段基本上就是简述什么叫做比较优势理论而已)
: 简单google一下配合翻蔡英文论文的下一页和注记页就可以知道结果,论文仔可以高潮真
: 的是www
: 有人要转去八卦回原本爆卦那篇文吗XD