美国国务院昨天呼吁中国停止施压台湾,并恢复与台湾民选政府的对话,同时表示,任何企图以非和平方式决定台湾前途之举,为美国所严重关切;美国和台湾将持续透过美国在台协会及驻美国台北经济文化代表处进行交流。相关新闻请见https://bit.ly/2SHwCzQ 或https://bit.ly/2OPT1tU
U.S. State Department urged Beijing yesterday to stop pressuring Taiwan and resume dialogues with Taiwan’s elected government, saying that any attempts to use non-peaceful means to determine Taiwan’s future is a grave concern of the United States and that the United States and Taiwan will continue to conduct exchanges through AIT and TECRO. Related new: https://bit.ly/2SHwCzQ or https://bit.ly/2OPT1tU