就是因为LSE 没有背书,
不然蔡女皇早就有用不完的资料, 可以用来打脸这些质疑她的人
就说一张毕业证书, 何必遮遮掩掩用影印版,
正本大大方方拿出来, 让媒体拍个够,让专家仔细鉴定
然后被媒体问还需要支支呜呜吗 ?
※ 引述《jackie0414 (哇哈哈)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《XDDDDDDDDDD (我笑他人看不穿)》之铭言:
: : 目前演到了纽约时报跑去专访彭文正,
: : Awash in Disinformation Before Vote, Taiwan Points Finger at China
: : 最后一段提到彭文正在讨论菜包的论文。
: : 然后发现口试通知比学位通知还要晚,
: : 口试通过通知书是1984/02/08拿到,
: : 学位授予通知书是1984/01/23拿到,
: : 不愧是一位总统,两个博士,三张证书,四本论文的高手。
: https://reurl.cc/e52gGQ 纽时原文
: One line of attack against Ms. Tsai has added to the atmosphere of mistrust
: and high conspiracy ahead of this week’s vote.
: Politicians and media outlets have questioned whether Ms. Tsai’s doctoral
: dissertation is authentic, even though her alma mater, the London School of
: Economics, has confirmed that it is.
: Dennis Peng hosts a daily YouTube show dedicated to proving otherwise. His
: channel has 173,000 subscribers. Theories about Ms. Tsai’s dissertation have
: circulated in China, too, with the help of the Chinese news media.
: Mr. Peng, a former television anchor, once supported Ms. Tsai. He was proud
: that Taiwan elected a female president. Now he says he is not being paid by
: anyone, including China, to crusade against her.
: 纽时这篇文章
: 先说母校LSE已证实没问题 却还有政客和媒体一直质疑蔡的论文
: 再说到因为中国媒体的介入 在中国也很多人知道论文门
: 又说彭大教授以前是支持蔡的 还很自豪台湾出了女总统
: 现在他却反对蔡 但没有拿任何人的钱
: 看下来根本就是在黑我们彭大教授啊!!