
楼主: ckbdfrst (ckbdfrst)   2019-12-22 23:28:55
请问2017年的这篇文章 笑点在哪里呀?
我除了只知道Taiwan Jones是一个黑人球员,除此之外真的看不懂。有其他好玩的地方吗?
标题:Taiwan has been found.
文 :https://reurl.cc/Oba1pA
图 :https://i.redd.it/x52im39dazsz.jpg
Taiwan Jones
roy @Old_Orleans
This professor graded tests next to me the whole flight. If there's a Taiwan
Jones at Howard, boy you failed the fuck out ya midterm.
Taiwan Jones
Marketing student at Howard University Washington,DC

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