[转录] 英国驻香港总领事馆脸书

楼主: tony900735 (大頭)   2019-06-16 00:38:42
连结:UK In Hong Kong(英国驻香港总领事馆)脸书 https://bit.ly/2IhTT7F
“Now is surely the time to pause to reflect upon the impact of these controve
rsial proposals.” Minister for Asia Mark Field's statement on proposed chang
es to extradition la ws in Hong Kong.
Foreign Office
心得附注: 内文有一段在英国国会的答询影片,在此附上影片所提供的字幕及个人不专
Now is surely the time to pause to reflect upon the controversial proposals.
I note that Chinese Ambassador to London commented on BBC Newsnight programmel
ast night that the Joint Declaration is, as he put it a 'historic document th
a t has completed its mission'
Once again, I strongly disagree.The Joint Declaration remains as valid today a
s it did when it was signed over 35 years ago.That Joint Declaration is a leg
a lly binding international treaty, registered with the United Nations.It's ob
je ctives clearly apply to both of its signatories, The Government of People R
epu blic of China and the UK.It remains in force and it remains acutely releva
nt t o the conduct of day-to-day life in Hong Kong.
We expect China to abide by its obligations.
1、In force 现行
3、abide by遵守

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