b9910 (b9910)
2016-09-28 03:05:14This year has witnessed great changes in Taiwan politics.
The Democratic Progressive Party has not renounced "Taiwan
independence" in its constitution after coming into power
and has intentionally been keeping vague on the fundamental
issue of the nature of cross-strait relations and refuses
to recognize the "1992 Consensus" and the essence of "both
sides of the straits belonging to one China" mechanism. In
this connection, China does not consent to Taiwan's
participation in the 39th ICAO Assembly.
今年台湾政局发生重大变化. 民主进步党自执政以来从未放弃
台独主张, 刻意在两岸基本议题上保持模糊, 拒绝承认九二共识
与一个中国的运作机制. 据此, 中国反对台湾参加ICAO年会.
来源: https://goo.gl/5BE7Ub