What would you like to happen if time rewinds to last night?
1. A more strict gun policy
2. A more strict immigration policy
3. Hillary as president
4. Trump as president
5. Having a .38 on you when the shooting took place
※ 引述《darknight127 (松山蝙蝠 Don Batman)》之铭言:
: 好久没来政黑玩了
: 我们来看看这次悲愤的美国9.2们跟共和党们的逻辑是怎样
: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154313507834711&id=296776494710
: The minority of people with guns cause problems: DON'T BAN THEM!
: The minority of Islamists cause problems: BAN BAN BAN!!!
: Republican logic.
: 只要枪杀案的是穆斯林
: 好像枪枝问题跟恐同问题都可以无视了呢
: 看看隔壁那些精美的网络偏激宅
: 甲甲被杀 大肆称赞
: 根本IS圣战士
: 这难道只有极端伊斯兰的问题ㄇ???