Article 23
1The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations.
The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States
of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. The General
Assembly shall elect ten other Members of the United Nations to be
non-permanent members of the Security Council, due regard being specially
paid, in the first instance to the contribution of Members of the United
Nations to the maintenance of international peace and security and to the
other purposes of the Organization, and also to equitable geographical
2The non-permanent members of the Security Council shall be elected for a
term of two years. In the first election of the non-permanent members after
the increase of the membership of the Security Council from eleven to
fifteen, two of the four additional members shall be chosen for a term of one
year. A retiring member shall not be eligible for immediate re-election.
3Each member of the Security Council shall have one representative.
中华民国是联合国常任理事国...嗯 老共怎不去抗议?
作者: eternalsaga 2016-05-28 10:00:00
他现在的国旗国号在联合国里面就能代表ROC 干嘛改XD反而是你以为的ROC的国旗国号不被认为是ROC啊 XD居然觉得老共该崩溃,真的傻了被打脸就恼羞噢XD 去找联合国安慰你啊你想用ROC名义加入联合国很简单啊,国旗改成五星旗加入老共不就能用ROC名义入联了?