Iser1ohn (虎!虎!虎!)
2015-02-22 16:42:04一句话:
Cantel 3.
As new arrival Taipei I am being given the "treatment" by Formosan
Independence "Movement"(台湾独立运动). Conversations with Peter Huang and
Philip Ng and perusal of their propaganda have served only to establish their
utter lack of realism, absence of any militant and armed popular foundation,
and complete reliance on US to achieve their aims and assure their livelihood
forever. (味其言观其文,可知其昧于现实,无可战之兵,复将自身理想及其生存全然寄
It seemed desirable to attempt to straighten out their thinking in relation
to China scene as to US, and to prevent misconception as to nature of any
personal relations with me.
In brief, they were told in friendly manner, as my personal opinion, that
Formosans themselves, unarmed, could not get rid of Chinese now on Island(他
摆脱中国政权掌控); US would require several divisions of troops plus
supporting naval and air forces to take and keep control over Island, a
responsibility which we are not prepared to assume(美国得生出几个师的军队跟海
空支援资源来掌控这个岛,而美国不打算负这个责任); for time being any hope for
independence lay with Nationalists not with Communists, and thus measures
designed weaken Nationalists merely served increase chances Communist
control, so Formosans must recognize facts, not avoid them(所以福尔摩沙人必须
面对现实而不是逃避现实), and they should not forget that Formosa fits into
large pattern from which it cannot be separated arbitrarily(而且福尔摩沙人也
不该忘记,福尔摩沙不能自以为可以独自于世界之外运作); and although US
sympathetic to Formosan aspirations, there were very few grounds for optimism
now and foreseeable future.