※ 引述《kapasky (伪卡巴斯基)》之铭言:
: 快出来回应一下!义正辞严一下!你们党是都死光了?
: 到底是赞成还是反对?是大佳赞赏还是严加驳斥?
: 你国民党到底赞同一国还是两国?到底赞同一制还是两制?
: 执政八年不是很唱秋?现在怎么都哑巴了?
: X的,装死
As new arrival Taipei I am being given the "treatment" by Formosan Independence
"Movement". Conversations with Peter Huang and Philip Ng and perusal of their
propaganda have served only to establish their utter lack of realism, absence
of any militant and armed popular foundation, and complete reliance on US to
achieve their aims and assure their livelihood forever.