Re: [新闻] 葛特曼律师回函“柯文哲从未参与器官仲介”

楼主: dj720c (dj720c)   2014-11-27 18:56:37
Gutmann 如果明天再去国会作证改口说 “柯医师没有去中国搞这些器官”
跟你保证绝对不会有伪证的问题!!! 信不信啊?!
※ 引述《dick5566 (熊与熊雨下蚀致铟哯)》之铭言:
: 加拿大国会人权委员会纪录
: There are many points of evidence for this. As Damon said, Kilgour and
: Matas list 52 of them. I’ll present just one: Dr. Ko Wen-je, chairman of the
: Ko Wen-je医生 创伤部门的主席 国立台湾大学医院
: Traumatology Department, National Taiwan University Hospital. Ten years ago
: Dr. Ko went to a mainland hospital to negotiate reduced kidney and liver
: 十年前Ko医生为了自己部门的高龄病患跑去大陆医院协调降低肾跟肝的价钱
: prices for his department’s elderly patients. After a friendly banquet, Dr.
: Ko was given the Chinese price, which was about half of what a foreigner
: 在一个友善的宴会之后 Ko医生拿到了中国的价格 大约是外国人的半价
: pays. In response to Dr. Ko’s concerns about unhealthy criminal organs, the
: Chinese surgeons assured Dr. Ko all the organs would come from Falun Gong:
: 在关于器官健康的方面Ko医生得到中国的保证所有器官都是法轮功方面来的
: these people don’t drink; they don't smoke; they practise very healthy
: qigong. We appreciate your discretion.
: 这些人不喝酒 不抽烟 他们练习气功
: Dr. Ko is now the leading candidate to be mayor of Taipei, largely due
: Ko医生现在是台北市长领先的候选人.... blah blah blah
: to the perception that he is a man of integrity. I’ll go further. Dr. Ko’s
: testimony has done more for this investigation than all the world’s health
: organizations put together.
作者: dick5566 (熊与熊雨下蚀致铟哯)   2014-11-27 18:59:00
解释一下怎么叫做搞~如果他跑去国会说 柯HIV没有去中国为了器官讲价那就是伪证罪
作者: rongwu (龙五)   2014-11-27 18:59:00
好啦 柯文哲是外星人 屠杀地球人数万抹黑柯又要说连被霸凌 哀
作者: dick5566 (熊与熊雨下蚀致铟哯)   2014-11-27 19:04:00
作者: mornlunar (Hav-A-Tampa)   2014-11-27 19:07:00
作者: dick5566 (熊与熊雨下蚀致铟哯)   2014-11-27 19:08:00
作者: mrcat (猫先生)   2014-11-27 19:10:00
他如果不改口,你所说的就无从验证了那么此事留下的官方记录就是现在这样敢问你 Gutmann 几时要去改口在加拿大国会?
作者: dick5566 (熊与熊雨下蚀致铟哯)   2014-11-27 19:13:00
你说的改口是他回的信吗? 如果是 那两者不冲突
作者: mrcat (猫先生)   2014-11-27 19:14:00
作者: discoby (黑皮)   2014-11-27 19:16:00
要政黑蛆认错比登天还难 你放弃吧
作者: mrcat (猫先生)   2014-11-27 19:16:00

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