“ 这是不到三个月前在美国National Endowment for Democracy (NED)的讨论会报导,
"Among the extensive interviews Gutmann conducted for his book, he said the “
smoking gun” was Dr. Ko Wen-je, currently a mayoral candidate in Taipei,
Ko told him that he went to the Chinese mainland in 2004 to seek a better
price for organ donations. Officials at a hospital he did not name invited
him to drink heavily with them one night. The next day, they told him that
they could offer “nothing but the best” organs from Falun Gong prisoners,
who the officials said were healthy and do not drink, according to Ko’s
从台大国发所 澄社社长 刘静宜的脸书转来的
这是美国国会(2012年 未指名柯文哲 但有讲台湾的顶尖外科医师)
加拿大国会(2014.10 有指名柯文哲)以外
柯准市长 怎么一直不告人家呢?有何难言之隐?被人家抓什么把柄?