[创作] The disturbance can't be ignored.

楼主: isospin (和平解放联邦自治)   2014-09-14 20:52:50
The disturbance of food process can't be ignored.
Hi, our friends.
We have regarded the problem of inferior food as the most major crime
equivalent of spy such as photographing, eavesdrop, and invasion of account.
Please put more resources to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
We can't tolerate the uncultivated behavior any more.
It won't be prohibited to take some immoderate action if necessary.
作者: ihatesmith (ihs)   2014-09-14 20:54:00
作者: ArmorKing   2014-09-14 20:57:00
作者: waloloo (ARIAxヨシノヤ )   2014-09-14 21:34:00
hail hydra! (这文章说了啥?
作者: ibise (清了清喉咙 他继续唱着)   2014-09-14 21:53:00
Dear friend, are you overseas right now so you can onlyuse English?Your last sentence confuses me. You mean "It won't beprohibited without taking some immoderate action ifnecessary", right? I'm not sure you make this mistakebecause of a lapse of the pen or a grammar misunder-standing, but I know you are worry about inferior oilissues. This disaster ruins the excellent reputationTaiwanese food used to earn. It's really shame for us.The rootcause of this disaster is the malpractice ofEnvironmental Protection Bureau of Pingtun County who
作者: bonju2 (ZeRo)   2014-09-14 22:35:00
作者: ArmorKing   2014-09-14 22:41:00
很热心 还真写上了......
作者: ibise (清了清喉咙 他继续唱着)   2014-09-14 22:54:00
某些人大概以为政黑没有英文稍微好一点的人吧......除非原 po 真的是在国外但看 IP 应该不是

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